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Thread: Im fat ?!

  1. #1

    Im fat ?!

    Hey all,

    I have been lifting weight for the last year now, no cycles no anything because I know nothin of them.

    I am looking for somone to write me up a cycle or if they have any good ideas where I should be looking for some good ideas.

    Now heres my stats.

    I am 17 years old.
    325 pounds
    6 foot tall.

    I understand that I have weight to lose and all, but what will happen if I do Dballs and work out still and loose weight, does fat turn to muscle easier ?!?! rather then having to eat lots to gain fat to burn to muscle... is that why skinny folk eat lotsa food when they body build ?!

    Thanks all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Shouldnt be juicing at 17 or even on this site at that age.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by invid
    Shouldnt be juicing at 17 or even on this site at that age.
    I agree.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Too young bro...the benefits of gear is not worth it at your age...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I'm not trying to be unhelpful bro but seriously, you're way to young to even think about this stuff. Unless you look forward to being short, having gyno, hairloss, and a few other side effects. Just go on a good diet and do cardio 5x a week. Fat will burn right off.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    **** 17 and considering gear :| too young

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Somewhere in Time
    Man, I hate to tell you this but that is really to young of a age to be juicing and you need to do a lot of research too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    man educate yourself about trainign firts... fat does not turn into 325 you swhould be able to burn a ton of weight by just doing cardio and cleaning up your diet. stay away from gear at your age, like everyone else said you don;t want to mess up your body permenantly

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by invid
    I'm not trying to be unhelpful bro but seriously, you're way to young to even think about this stuff. Unless you look forward to being short, having gyno, hairloss, and a few other side effects. Just go on a good diet and do cardio 5x a week. Fat will burn right off.
    not to mention you could fuk up your natural test production forever...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Yeah forgot about THAT thing =p

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    First off, fat does not "turn" to muscle. You have to burn fat off, and build muscle, two separate processes. Cycling will not help you at all with burning fat. If I were as obese as you are, personally, I would probably eat about 1000 calories a day (high protein, medium carb, low fat), do an hour of cardio a day and get down to about 200lbs and THEN worry about building muscle.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    at 17 you are still growing. Yes ,you may have some extra fat . You NEED to control your eating habits. Eat 3-5 meals but small & clean. Do moderate cardio for long periods vs. hard cardio & too short. Although you are young your heart is still subject to high stress. I would advise to seek a medical professional for advice about training. Slowly add free weights using strick form. But most importantly, NO STEROIDS AS YOU ARE WAY TOO YOUNG CONDITION YOUR BODY FOR 4 YRS THEN RE-EVAULATE. good luck

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Diego
    I am not sure you want to do that to your heart any way.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Up there
    Along with all that's mentioned.... mentality is a large factor too. The only person I have ever known to begin AS @ a young age (in middle school), began using them when he was way too immature... His immaturity exponentially grew the tougher and stronger he got.
    the juice just fueled his 'fire of ****-headedness'. The guy is 10x the dirtbag now that he's big.

  15. #15
    Ok, thanks all, I didnt know any of that stuff, I live in Gibsons, BC, Canada and there is such a demand on our rugby team to be HUGE, I am so outta shape it hurts guys, my shins actually feel like snappin somtimes when I run.. I get all depressed and such... plus all theses guys around me are all ripped and stuff, always gettin chicks and I am the fat **** the girls call the friendly giant teddy bear, I am a BIG guy, I dont look my weight.. or at least I dont think so, I just wanna be like all of you... :'(

    What can I do to help my legs out as far as cardio goes ?!

    They hurt so bad I cant continue....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    You're over 300 lbs, even a little cardio will burn a lot of fat. Just start of with some slow cardio, can you just walk on a treadmill for an hour? If its REALLY bad, go see a dcotor, maybe take some aspirin. But trust me, if you juice now just to loose some weight and get ripped, its gonna come back and haunt you later in your life man. Go to the diet thread and check out the sticky about how to get cut.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    You can do different cardio, they got this cardio machine at my gym that you pedal with your arms. Maybe your gym has it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Taking steroids at that weight could be dangerous also because at 300+ I am sure your blood pressure is already high and your ligaments, bones, tendons, and all that good stuff probaly couldn't handle the extra weight from the water retention and muscle you would put on, because like everyone said fat dosent turn in to muscle, so you would get even heavier. The thing is to learn about how to eat. Burn more calories than you consume then you will lose weight, if that doesnt work, get your thyroid checked.

    Quote Originally Posted by BiteTheDust
    Hey all,

    I have been lifting weight for the last year now, no cycles no anything because I know nothin of them.

    I am looking for somone to write me up a cycle or if they have any good ideas where I should be looking for some good ideas.

    Now heres my stats.

    I am 17 years old.
    325 pounds
    6 foot tall.

    I understand that I have weight to lose and all, but what will happen if I do Dballs and work out still and loose weight, does fat turn to muscle easier ?!?! rather then having to eat lots to gain fat to burn to muscle... is that why skinny folk eat lotsa food when they body build ?!

    Thanks all.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Thats the problem are looking at everyone around you wich is the wrong way to go! dont try to be like other, instead try to be a new and improved you! You are 17 so believe me you have more than 20 years of being and athlete and getting chicks!! TWENTY YEARS!! that is a long time so instead of trying to get results in 8weeks or so by using steroids, you need to work step by step....even if it takes you 2-3-4 or even 5years then you will only be in college or working in you early twenties with plenty of time to be a real athlete and get chicks. Also if you do it naturally you will not get any side effects and you will feel better and work harder to keep your results because you will appreciate the effort you put into getting there.

    1-Sit down with yourself and convince yourself that its not too late, the people you hang out with now arent the people you will be with forever, you will meet other better people in the future believe me i was there too.

    2-Take a before picture to show yourself how much you imporve with time.

    3-Start wit your food, DONT CRASH DIET!! you must still get good nutrition but avoid all fatty/fast foods and atay away from drinking and smoking. Everytime you crave sugar/cand/cake go brush your teeth instead because it will give you a good taste in your mouth without having to eat. Dont eat salty snacks like potato chips or pretzels or any othe munchies because its hard to stop. Snack on fruit instead.

    4-Start exercising, the intensity you start with reflects the speed at wich you will give the key to successful exercise is to start slowly...start slowly and build up with time, your goal should be 3days cardio and 3days weights just to make it fun. And one day off. Everytime you exercise go home and write down what you did, dont write down a plan before because plans are hard to follow and if you dont follow them they will make you quit faster! instead write down only what you have already done! that way you can see what you achieved.

    5-Cheer up and enjoy life man, success takes time, you shoudlnt rush anything and remember 20years!! if you keep your health up then that twenty could easily be much more.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    You are 17 so believe me you have more than 20 years of being and athlete and getting chicks!! TWENTY YEARS!! that is a long time so instead of trying to get results in 8weeks or so by using steroids, you need to work step by step....even if it takes you 2-3-4 or even 5years then you will only be in college or working in you early twenties with plenty of time to be a real athlete and get chicks.
    Yeah start eating right and doing something even light cardio, and next summer youll be looking how you want to look.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    this is the kinda thread and person that belongs on the Fox New special, i'm sorry to be the one to say it but this is what is wrong with people. I'm glad he came here and asked, but how many others are like him and think that taking dbol and being overweight is going to have some magical affect? Sucks that all the idiots out there are ruining the reputation of this this type of person is exactly what is wrong with steroids...aint busting your balls dude, as i'm glad you came here and asked but just sickens me that you even thought this in the first place

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Surprised hes not banned yet.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by invid
    Surprised hes not banned yet.
    I love that avatar!!!!!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    The guy wants a fast solution to his weight problem which is totally understandable because teens are under lots fo pressure these days, the last fifty or so 'teen-movies' portray the average teen guy as some super athletic mens-fitness cover guy, and the average girl as a maxim cover girl!! Its only normal to want to be attractive and confident.
    Steroids however are the wrong apporach to this for young guys in high school. Many are misinformed on what works and how cycles should be run..wich in turn leads to the horror stories someone mentioned earlier.
    If only everyone stopped being in a hurry and took their time to see what their options are! What i am trying to explain to this guy is that if he is overweight or feels liek the odd one out in his last year of highschool then he should let it go and just get his high school doploma and continue working out naturally step by step and imporving his diet and entire lifestyle. With time he will definetly imporve is entire health and go out and meet new people in work or college and he can start over from the begining,
    Its not worth it to sacrifice his health taking steroids at such a young age just to enjoy a few months of confidence in high school.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Ru your butt off and eat romaine lettuce for 5 weeks! Just kidding cardio and a STRICT diet will help. Your DIET IS SO KEY. Tons of good ones out there

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BiteTheDust
    Ok, thanks all, I didnt know any of that stuff, I live in Gibsons, BC, Canada and there is such a demand on our rugby team to be HUGE, I am so outta shape it hurts guys, my shins actually feel like snappin somtimes when I run.. I get all depressed and such... plus all theses guys around me are all ripped and stuff, always gettin chicks and I am the fat **** the girls call the friendly giant teddy bear, I am a BIG guy, I dont look my weight.. or at least I dont think so, I just wanna be like all of you... :'(

    What can I do to help my legs out as far as cardio goes ?!

    They hurt so bad I cant continue....
    Use the elliptical bro...easier on your joints...
    Research the diet forum NOW, cuz you are too young to even be on this site...and will likely be banned soon....
    AAS is not the need cardio and diet help, that is all that will help you, and especially at this age...
    I wouldn't suggest touching any sauce until you aare in your early-mid 20's anyways...

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    At the gym

    Red face

    Your weight obviously bothers you so why don't you take it up? I don't know if you're planning on going to Uni, but fitness, fat loss, getting strong and everything that comes with these things is a vast subject and highly interesting! If anything is missing from this Forum it's a lack of scientific advice (no offense to anyone, the stuff you can read on here is great), that's not to say it is entirely missing, but were someone to sit down with you and explain exactly what is happening in your blood to the food you eat, in your digestive system, how your thyroid works etc, you would have a greater understanding of your own situation and how best to improve it.

    What I am suggesting is why don't you look into it as a path in life you could follow whole heartedly, you are young enough! You could make a good career out of it too if you wanted to take it that far! Get a couple of books on biology, sports nutrition etc, maybe some people could suggest some books (anyone out there studied Sports Science etc?). Look into it, it's a hell of an eye opener!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    on the net
    All the bros on this thread gave you the best advice but im sorry its probaly not what you wanted to hear

  29. #29
    Hey 50%Natural,

    I dont know what I did that bothered you, I simply asked , I didnt do it and make roids look bad by harming myself, I would think its betterto get the proffesional oppinion like yours before jumping head long into it. Now imagine I had just done them instead of asking all these great guys...

    I thankyou for making your point, just please dont compare me to one of those BS Fox shows, I hate them so much.. lol..

    But thanks guys, I shall take all you have stated into consideration and mold myself a mind state of control, my biggest feat to beat with be my addiction to caffeine, I am so **** addicted to pop. That stuff is so bad upon itself and if I dont get one pop a day I get migraines, so all, thanks again

    And Peace 50%Natural, I know you are a good guy, just protecting the roid rap.

    And by the way, Im not an idiot, I was told by a group of kids that Dball would convert my fat to muscle, I was lied to. So yah see, I was just making sure.
    Last edited by BiteTheDust; 06-21-2004 at 12:05 PM.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I'd kick you friends square in junk .

  31. #31
    hah, theres no doing that, my friends are all coke dealin meat heads, They pretty well run the little town I live in. They are coke dealers, not proud of that part, but they are good guys other wise, they are just HUGE !... Monsters of human beings size wise. They just want me to get HUGE too, I am assuming they are lookign for another enforcer for there gang, they are called the Greeks...

    Well, thanks all, peace...

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    I love that avatar!!!!!!

    yeah I know, shes cute =]

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BiteTheDust
    hah, theres no doing that, my friends are all coke dealin meat heads, They pretty well run the little town I live in. They are coke dealers, not proud of that part, but they are good guys other wise, they are just HUGE !... Monsters of human beings size wise. They just want me to get HUGE too, I am assuming they are lookign for another enforcer for there gang, they are called the Greeks...

    Well, thanks all, peace...
    Ditch those 'friends' and grow up... those guys are losers...
    Not a flame, we all have to at some time..

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BiteTheDust
    hah, theres no doing that, my friends are all coke dealin meat heads, They pretty well run the little town I live in. They are coke dealers, not proud of that part, but they are good guys other wise, they are just HUGE !... Monsters of human beings size wise. They just want me to get HUGE too, I am assuming they are lookign for another enforcer for there gang, they are called the Greeks...

    Well, thanks all, peace...

    An excellent diet and 2 hours on a treadmill daily and I promise you, you'll get there

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    Thats the problem are looking at everyone around you wich is the wrong way to go! dont try to be like other, instead try to be a new and improved you! You are 17 so believe me you have more than 20 years of being and athlete and getting chicks!! TWENTY YEARS!! that is a long time so instead of trying to get results in 8weeks or so by using steroids, you need to work step by step....even if it takes you 2-3-4 or even 5years then you will only be in college or working in you early twenties with plenty of time to be a real athlete and get chicks. Also if you do it naturally you will not get any side effects and you will feel better and work harder to keep your results because you will appreciate the effort you put into getting there.

    1-Sit down with yourself and convince yourself that its not too late, the people you hang out with now arent the people you will be with forever, you will meet other better people in the future believe me i was there too.

    2-Take a before picture to show yourself how much you imporve with time.

    3-Start wit your food, DONT CRASH DIET!! you must still get good nutrition but avoid all fatty/fast foods and atay away from drinking and smoking. Everytime you crave sugar/cand/cake go brush your teeth instead because it will give you a good taste in your mouth without having to eat. Dont eat salty snacks like potato chips or pretzels or any othe munchies because its hard to stop. Snack on fruit instead.

    4-Start exercising, the intensity you start with reflects the speed at wich you will give the key to successful exercise is to start slowly...start slowly and build up with time, your goal should be 3days cardio and 3days weights just to make it fun. And one day off. Everytime you exercise go home and write down what you did, dont write down a plan before because plans are hard to follow and if you dont follow them they will make you quit faster! instead write down only what you have already done! that way you can see what you achieved.

    5-Cheer up and enjoy life man, success takes time, you shoudlnt rush anything and remember 20years!! if you keep your health up then that twenty could easily be much more.
    Fantastic post! This is what it's meant to help someone instead of flaming him. I agree with what everyone has said. Taking DBOLS will do nothing more than bloat the **** out of you. You will actually gain a ton of water weight and that is NOT what you need. You've done the right thing in asking whats best for you. I honestly think you can do it. A proper diet and cardio first thing in the morning and you can achieve your goals. Go look in the Members pic forum and see what guys like you have done to themselves. It's remarkable. I also highly suggest getting an expert on diets and have them help you. We have a really great bro on the board who does that. You can check out his site at He has helped out a lot of bro's. He's a guru and I think he can really help you out.

    Best of luck,


  36. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Niles Ohio
    First off cardio is a must and dont believe anyone that says the fat will just burn off quickly cuz they dont know your body and neither do I. We are all different and it could take alot of hard work and diet to get off the fat. I know from exp. I hold fat and its hard to get the last of it off but with good diet and a real clean one and at least an hour a day if u really want to get it off. Start out with a half hour after your weight training then work your way up to an hour. U could even go in the mornings before u eat. Do whatever it takes but stay away from the juice cuz u will pay now or later!

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    a steady controlled diet and cardio. at 17 your way too young for AAS.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BiteTheDust
    my biggest feat to beat with be my addiction to caffeine, I am so **** addicted to pop. That stuff is so bad upon itself and if I dont get one pop a day I get migraines, so all, thanks again

    And Peace 50%Natural, I know you are a good guy, just protecting the roid rap.

    And by the way, Im not an idiot, I was told by a group of kids that Dball would convert my fat to muscle, I was lied to. So yah see, I was just making sure.
    Bro, first thing I did years ago when I woke up and realized I wanted to be different was to switch to diet soda. Lost 20-30 lbs in 4-5 months without changing much else at all. That's how bad all that sugar is for you. Consider that to be your fat steroid. It's what you're taking daily to maintain your bloated overweightness. Stop taking it. Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. Go hang out in the diet forum and you'll learn a lot. Run with the knowledge you're being given.
    Last edited by ECoastVIP; 06-21-2004 at 09:24 PM.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I'm more concerned with you being 325 lbs at 6 ft tall than i am of you being 17. HUGE health risks should be addressed if you're at that body fat.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BiteTheDust
    Hey 50%Natural,

    I dont know what I did that bothered you, I simply asked , I didnt do it and make roids look bad by harming myself, I would think its betterto get the proffesional oppinion like yours before jumping head long into it. Now imagine I had just done them instead of asking all these great guys...

    I thankyou for making your point, just please dont compare me to one of those BS Fox shows, I hate them so much.. lol..

    But thanks guys, I shall take all you have stated into consideration and mold myself a mind state of control, my biggest feat to beat with be my addiction to caffeine, I am so **** addicted to pop. That stuff is so bad upon itself and if I dont get one pop a day I get migraines, so all, thanks again

    And Peace 50%Natural, I know you are a good guy, just protecting the roid rap.

    And by the way, Im not an idiot, I was told by a group of kids that Dball would convert my fat to muscle, I was lied to. So yah see, I was just making sure.
    If you read my post, i was praising you for coming here and asking first, it just irratates me that those guys would tell you that, i mean where in the hell did they even hear that. You did the right thing by asking but your friends are exactly the thing that is wrong with juice....sheer lack of knowledge by people who use them

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