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Thread: Cycle "High"

  1. #1

    Cycle "High"

    It has been explained to me that besides the normal benifits of a good cycle, most feel a "High" or better mentally. Is this true and what do you think the reasons are. - besides looking better. Is it the increased Test in the system? DO men on Hormone therp. feel the same?

    Other Question When or how long does it usually take to feel this? Same question to anyone who has done hormone therapy.


    I have done 2 previous cycles myself and I do remember having those feelings, but it has been a long long time

  2. #2
    Im not sure of the medical reasons behind it but yes, AS does create a better sense of well-being. I suppose how long it takes depends on what AS you are taking as well.

  3. #3
    IN general say a test winny cycle with some d-bol

    Or anyone's own personal experence.

    I just don't remember if it took 4-5 weeks same as to see some results or if it was quick like when you inject medicine

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i know it boost your self esteem..which gives you a sense of well being...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Testosterone gives you a sense of well being. Look in to the symptoms of test deficiency.

  6. #6
    And how long does it take for that to start happening?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by promiscio
    And how long does it take for that to start happening?
    How ever long it takes for your test to kick in. See esters.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    dianabol will give a sense of well being while anadrol 50 will make you feel pretty crappy (unimed really bad...headaches, nasuea)...

  9. #9
    I'm reading about Vit B-12. I see it in many cycles What are benifits of it?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    ok... my take on the matter is a little unconventional...

    when i'm on, i definately feel better physically. and mentally i feel more confident than usual (which makes me borderline narcissistic about my intelligence )... i also seem to be even more outgoing about approaching girls than i usually am. which is probably attributable to a higher sex drive...

    my one problem on cycle is that emotionally i get worse. i dont whine about depression and stuff, but i definately have issues that become much more pronounced while on cycle.

    if you have problems with mania, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or psychosis, definately be very careful when considering AS. i'm not talking about 'roid rage' i'm referring to a plethora of emotional problems that can arise with the introduction of hormones into your body. a better body is not worth risking your mental health.

    kirk88 - this is a really good thread for discussion, sweet post.

  11. #11
    Thanks Monster
    I read quite a bit on here and this area always makes me want to know more and find out about others experiences.
    I have found some good threads on B-12 which are answering some of my questions.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk88
    I'm reading about Vit B-12. I see it in many cycles What are benifits of it?
    That's a whole other thread right there. In fact ....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I feel sharper mentally while on a cycle. Usually takes about 3-4 weeks for me to really feel it "kick" in. I have noticed that I need more sex, and my drive has went through the roof. It really is a sense of well being like others have described. I wish I could stay on cycle forever. A funny thing happened to me last night as I was driving. A cat ran out in front of my car on the street, now normally I would hunch down in the seat and hit the brakes in order to avoid the cat, but instead I sat up straight to get a better view and stayed on course, starred the cat in the eyes, smelt the fear as he struggled to avoid being crushed by my car and loved every second of it as he barely avoided becoming road kill, I can't fiqure it out. Maybe Im a closet pyscho path. Have I found my true calling?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    when i was taking the snake and arrow dbol i was getting that euphoria high, it was great, i was getting high all day and didnt even need a lighter... but only lasted two weeks ;(

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