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Thread: week one of first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    week one of first cycle

    as stated in a previous post, my gear in dosages is as follows.

    300mg of prop/300mg of tren per week.

    so far i have noticed or i think i have noticed a big change in strength gains. But i also feel maybe its my mind making me work harder or something of the sort. all bull **** aside, i want to know what others experiences were with a similar stack. My goal is to loose about 10% of my b/f and keep my size. From a good source who is a competitor and i have known for many years and has had nothing but great results in his usage of anabolics said that this would help me achieve my goal. I just would like to know what others think who have taken a similar stack, or would just love to know your imput.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    10% is alot of body fat to lose my friend, if your diet and cardio aren't in check it will be virtually impossible, assuming that they are you'll have to stay on for a considerable amount of time to shed 10%..I think you might need to cycle for 12-24 weeks then do some clen and or t3 following your cycle to get the last few % off. Also those are kinda low doses, you might want to atleast increase the prop to outweigh the fina.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    I think 10% is a little unrealistic too, unless you run the cycle for 20+ weeks. Instead I'd make make the goal say 12% in 2 cycles. Good luck with the cycles tho! Train hard bro and eat right and you'll get there

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    not too far from you
    The dude that sold you the gear is telling you a goal that is a) hard to acheive if your a novice, b) wanting your money.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    yeah well im always in the gym so working hard is not a problem. cardio sux but i do it. diet well im off the beer and never really eat much.n for about 9-12 weeks and want to eventually get down to 10%. I hope that maybe my youth will help me in burning fat. also thought about comin off on some winnie. Im at 20% now i wonder what loosing 6% would be like. Fact is im trying to loose the love handles and man tits. Got good muscle base just want to take it to another level.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    if you were 200lbs to begin with, 20% fat, you would have 40lbs of fat to lose.

    good luck with that, and don't listen to someone who competes just for the sake of advice. he probably wanted you to buy the gear from him for a good markup and then be able to tell you what went wrong so you go to him again for more gear and advice.

    the only thing the AS will do when you try to cut is prevent the body from going into a catabolic state where muscle will be burned as well as fat.

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