I'm in need of some advice on a couple of things. I just started my first cycle and I'm shooting 250mg Of sustanon on Sundays in one ass cheek and 250mg of sustanon on wed in the other ass cheek. Also on wed I'm shooting 300mg of Deca in the same ass cheek.
My question is would it be alright for me to draw up my sust.250 into my needle and then draw up my deca using the same needle (Mixing the two). And shoot it all at once? the total amount that I am shooting is only 2mils. Is it ok for me to just keep on alternating ass cheeks like this, as long as I'm not shooting the same cheek more than once a week?
Also, is their any thing that I can do for this horrible pain that is in my ass besides massage? will my ass be this sore every time that I shoot up???
thanx for your opinions!!!