I started this cycle back in December and it's by far the longest one I ever did. My body is just starting to feel it and telling me it's time to get off for atleast 6 months. I ran Test Enanthate the whole time with additions of deca/tren/d-bol/LR3-IGF respectively. I recently upped the Test to 1250 ew to see what effect it might have and the sides were minimal. When I do go back on I will be doing only 8wk cycles but at a high doses. My plan will be to do Sus 250mg eod along with tren 100mg eod. Lately I have had numbness of the hands and it started before I started the Tren or IGF so I'm thinking it might be one of the sides of increased Test doses.
I also never got acne from Test at any dose , so I think the Tren is definitely the culprit , so I'm considering not to run it with my next cycle..........
Is there any possibility that because I ran Tren for the first time and it shocked my hormones hard , that it might be a possibility the next run at Tren might not leave me with such bad acne ?
Peace Oz