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Thread: Time to come off cycle.................

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
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    Time to come off cycle.................

    I started this cycle back in December and it's by far the longest one I ever did. My body is just starting to feel it and telling me it's time to get off for atleast 6 months. I ran Test Enanthate the whole time with additions of deca/tren/d-bol/LR3-IGF respectively. I recently upped the Test to 1250 ew to see what effect it might have and the sides were minimal. When I do go back on I will be doing only 8wk cycles but at a high doses. My plan will be to do Sus 250mg eod along with tren 100mg eod. Lately I have had numbness of the hands and it started before I started the Tren or IGF so I'm thinking it might be one of the sides of increased Test doses.
    I also never got acne from Test at any dose , so I think the Tren is definitely the culprit , so I'm considering not to run it with my next cycle..........
    Is there any possibility that because I ran Tren for the first time and it shocked my hormones hard , that it might be a possibility the next run at Tren might not leave me with such bad acne ?


    Peace Oz

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Boston MA
    Acne from tren can be really bad and last a long time, not to be the bearer of bad news. I had acne on my shoulders back and upper arms for about 2 months after I came off the tren and test. I believe Mudman had a real tuff time with it as he might be able to give you some insight.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know

    I usually don't get acne but there are a few roids that give it to me. Eq and now Tren

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ozzy

    I usually don't get acne but there are a few roids that give it to me. Eq and now Tren
    I came off a DECA,TEST,DBOL cycle over 3 months ago, and my acne has NOT gone away. I'm on 10g of Vitamin B5 and Doxycycline. I'm definitely not looking foward Fina with my up and coming cycle....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I still havent gotten rid of my fina induced acne either. Although my back has cleared up to some degree it has yet to leave entirely. Tren is an incredible substance but a pain in the ass as far as acne is concerned.

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