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Thread: I need help please!!!!!

  1. #1

    Lightbulb I need help please!!!!!

    I was logged in under a different name before ( Jamie Bill Moore ) didn't like it so i ask how to change my name and was directed to just register again.some of the questions i've ask before was about a D-bol only cycle was told not to do it and do some more research on D-bol only and i did.i was also directed to add some test in the cycle,but i was always afraid of shooting (don't like needles) but i came over the fear and got some test.real pricy stuff but had no other source so i took the chance and recieved it yesterday. i need some help from you guys this legit stuff or what?i looked in the legit steroid pictures and found three pics that where the same but don't see the guy's name in the members area that posted it (Bigmoneyhustla).the test is this :testosteron depot galenika a.d. 250mg 1ml if any one can kelp i would be greatful. i plan on doing a 10 week cycle :weeks 1-10 test weeks 1-6 d-bol 25mg e/d weeks 1-13 nolavdex 10mg e/d then 20mg e/d pct weeks 13-15 weeks 13-15 clomid day 85 200mg days 86-91 100mg days 92-98 50mg days 99-105 50mg pct.thanks in advanced for the info.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Judas
    I was logged in under a different name before ( Jamie Bill Moore ) didn't like it so i ask how to change my name and was directed to just register again.some of the questions i've ask before was about a D-bol only cycle was told not to do it and do some more research on D-bol only and i did.i was also directed to add some test in the cycle,but i was always afraid of shooting (don't like needles) but i came over the fear and got some test.real pricy stuff but had no other source so i took the chance and recieved it yesterday. i need some help from you guys this legit stuff or what?i looked in the legit steroid pictures and found three pics that where the same but don't see the guy's name in the members area that posted it (Bigmoneyhustla).the test is this :testosteron depot galenika a.d. 250mg 1ml if any one can kelp i would be greatful. i plan on doing a 10 week cycle :weeks 1-10 test weeks 1-6 d-bol 25mg e/d weeks 1-13 nolavdex 10mg e/d then 20mg e/d pct weeks 13-15 weeks 13-15 clomid day 85 200mg days 86-91 100mg days 92-98 50mg days 99-105 50mg pct.thanks in advanced for the info.
    jesus man simplify that some.. just post your proposed cycle and we wil help ya

    1-10wk test e at 250ml-mg ect
    1-4 dbol 40mg ed
    etc ect

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    on the net
    its "money boss hustla" and why dont you post a picture of what you got

  4. #4
    week 1-10 test e at 250mg e/w week 1-6 d-bol 25mg e/d week 1-12 nolvadex 10mg e/d week 13-15 nolvadex 20mg e/d week 13-15 clomid i have no way to post a pic sorry.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    on the net
    what are your stats and i assume this is your 1st cycle

    you should probaly run the test @ 500mgs a week split into two shots..once on mon and then again on thursday

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Judas
    week 1-10 test e at 250mg e/w week 1-6 d-bol 25mg e/d week 1-12 nolvadex 10mg e/d week 13-15 nolvadex 20mg e/d week 13-15 clomid i have no way to post a pic sorry.
    um test e is a long ester so you really need to run it at 12weeks to get a really good effect. so try this

    1-12wk test e 500mg every week
    1-4wk dbol 35mg ed
    1-12wk nolva at 10mg ed
    12-pct nolva at 20mg ed
    clomid and nolva for pct..

    p.s.-- if you can get some l-dex that would be good to and run it 1-pct at .25mg ed. helps with the bloat. you are probably thinking why not run the dbol for 6weeks. personally i like my liver and dbol is some harsh shiit. also it is really only used to jump start a cycle anyway. peace man

  7. #7
    sorry bro's 10 minutes late for work be back tonight thanks for all the help ps.if you have any more info please let me hear it.thanks

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