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Thread: using Slin+IGF IM >carb/IE ratio?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Exclamation using Slin+IGF IM >carb/IE ratio?

    when using Slin+IGF IM is the carbs/IE rate different compared to SC inject? or is it also 7-10/1 or do you need more carbs because the activity is reduced to 2-2,5hrs? while it's normal about 4 hrs with Humalog.

    So if you use slin-IGF IM, immediately eat ?gr carbs/IE, after 1 hour, and after 2 hours..

    Last edited by Dutchman; 07-30-2004 at 09:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    help me out guy's

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Dutchman
    when using Slin+IGF IM is the carbs/IE rate different compared to SC inject? or is it also 7-10/1 or do you need more carbs because the activity is reduced to 2-2,5hrs? while it's normal about 4 hrs with Humalog.

    So if you use slin-IGF IM, immediately eat ?gr carbs/IE, after 1 hour, and after 2 hours..

    Theoretically, you'd need higher carbs, because the activity is concentrated over a shorter period. However, in practice, I ldidn't need to increase my carbs.
    The carb:IU ratio also just refers to the very initial carb intake. When using IGF-1 with this, you'll likely feel the need to add more carbs to your actual meal ~1.5hrs after the shake and dextrose, since the IGF-1 seems to take a bit longer to start having its effect on BG (in my experience anyway)

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