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Thread: clomid after hg or sust

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Middle of nowwhere

    Arrow clomid after hg or sust

    hey in my cycle my sust runs out then my hgh goes for another 3 weeks or so . So do i run the clomid after the sust runs out or wait for the HGH to finish>>??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    After the sust. You don't need clomid for GH, and you will need to combat estrogen right after the sust cycle, if not start it just before the end of the sust cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Middle of nowwhere
    that what i was leaning towards but just wanted to hear it from somebody else too. THanks dbarcelo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Keep in mind you need to give the long esters in the sust a chance to clear before you go on Clomid -you should give it a couple weeks. Your test levels need to be low to get the best response. If the sust hasn't fully cleared the Clomid won't be as effective.

    I keep reading HGH is excellent to use post cycle since it helps prevent weight gain so if you can go for longer than than a few weeks it would probably help a lot.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Middle of nowwhere
    so ur saying wait a couple of weeks after the sust runs out to use the clomid>?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody
    Keep in mind you need to give the long esters in the sust a chance to clear before you go on Clomid -you should give it a couple weeks. Your test levels need to be low to get the best response. If the sust hasn't fully cleared the Clomid won't be as effective.

    I keep reading HGH is excellent to use post cycle since it helps prevent weight gain so if you can go for longer than than a few weeks it would probably help a lot.

    With all due respect, What The Heck Are You Talking About???

    Do you know what Clomid is used for or how it works? You don't have to wait for test levels to go down to get the best response, you need to take it while your test levels are still high, because it's used to keep your body from converting excess testosterone into estrogen. It's also an estrogen blocker because it competes with the estrogen at the estrogen receptor sites. The active ingredient in Clomid, cloimiphene citrate has no androgenic or antiandrogenic effects, so there's no reason in the world to wait for weeks after a cycle before taking it. Perhaps you're confusing Clomid with something else, because you can run Clomid the entire time you're running a steroid cycle with no ill-effects or loss of gains or potential gains. FYI, Clomid is designed for women that do not ovulate regularly.

    You can take GH during a cycle or after a cycle of anabolics, it is really good for keeping fat off. I can agree with you there, but not to prolong getting on to Clomid because of it.

    I don't mean to flame or anything, so don't take it that way, but that advise is just way off base.

  7. #7
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    May 2002
    I'm well aware of what Clomid is for and how it works. I'm referring to its use post cycle. You can't reestablish LH production if you have exogenous test (or normal natural test levels) still in your system which is why it's always advised to wait til the clearance date of the ester of whatever test you're on before going on Clomid. For Sustanon that's 18 days after last injection.

    Refer to Pheedno's sticky at the PCT forum for all the Clomid start times...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by johnsomebody
    I'm well aware of what Clomid is for and how it works. I'm referring to its use post cycle. You can't reestablish LH production if you have exogenous test (or normal natural test levels) still in your system which is why it's always advised to wait til the clearance date of the ester of whatever test you're on before going on Clomid. For Sustanon that's 18 days after last injection.

    Refer to Pheedno's sticky at the PCT forum for all the Clomid start times...

    I don't have to refer to someone elses post in order to understand Clomid, but at least I can see why you're misinformed. Clomid has nothing to do with LH production. Following the advise that you are giving is what keeps surgions in business correcting gynecomastia in male bodybuilders.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I shouldn't say Clomid has NOTHING to do with LH production. It has nothing to do with it in the way you wrote it. Clomiphene citrate starts a series of endocrine events, one of which is the release of pituitary gonadotropins, one of which is LH. But there is no outside factor that prevents Clomid from being able to release gonadotropins, not even the existance of, "exogenous test (or normal natural test levels) still in your system".

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Well, next time you do a cycle be sure to start your Clomid immediately after your last injection. Everyone else I'd recommend to follow the directions on Pheedno's post.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I would actually start the Clomid while still running the steroid cycle, not right after. I would also be running Nolvadex, not just the Clomid alone.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    the pituitary and hypothalamus both regulate how much test your testes will produce....... So if there's more hormone being produced naturally or syntheticaly the pituitary will make less LH to slow down test production.........

    Using clomid when test levels are still higher then what your body produces naturally will not increase LH because the pituitary still sees too much hormone and will make less LH to balance it out.

    Also, Nolvadex is better at keeping receptor sites clear of estrogen trying to bind to the receptor site.

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