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Thread: winstrol/clen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    hey i need some help to determine if me or my buddy was right in arguing about taking winstrol and clen at the same time. we have a chubby friend who is taking winstrol tabs and clenbuterol tabs at the same time. to the best of my knowledge this should work good for him? what do yall think was i right? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    anyone have any opinions? id appreciate it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    businesscannon - what exactly are you asking?

    Do you mean:
    A - Is it a good idea from a toxicity point of view?
    B - Will it help him lose weight? (I noticed you referred to him as 'a chubby friend')

    If you mean A then I'm not sure but I'm sure someone else will.

    If you mean B then clen is great for fat loss, winstrol on the other hand won't make him lower fat as such but can help retain/maybe even build muscle while on a reduced calorie diet.

    Hope this is of some help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    In my personal opinion, "chubby" or "fat" people should lose as much fat as possible naturally first. For more than one reason, but the first being their heart. If you already have a lot of weight on your heart and start filling your blood with released fat deposits, it seems a little dangerous to me. Plus adding something that speeds up your heart beat. I think clean diet and cardio sounds best for him. Dunno, JMO

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