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took 7ius' of humalog IM...waited 5 minutes drank about 60grams of dex ( about 8.5-9grams per iu) and 10 grams of creatine....then waited another 15 minutes and had 80grams of whey...
Came home...and as i was preparing my dinner i started feeling dizzy and shaky...not to bad, but i could tell...so i ate 3 glucose tabs and went on...well....as i was geting ready to make my rice i started sweating real bad and knew i was hypo...and **** it hit fast...(this is all within a 3-4 minute range)...so i had princess come in and make me some gatorade, and i munched down on a bannana and had 4 more glucose tbas, and then drank 1 cup of gatorade....sweating got worse and worse, i was shaky, got chill bumps...kinda scary....
but then within like 3 minutes i snapped right out of it, and felt perfectly fine...except princess was pissed thinking i almost killed myself...
Heres my question...could it have been that i waited to long for my second meal with carbs???...i am pretty sure the clock at the gym is off from my home clock, and it always takes me 10 or 15 minutes to completely fix the meal....so i could be close to 20 minutes off now that i think about it...
what the hell could i change???...