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Thread: clomid and depression...again

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Phoenix, Az

    clomid and depression...again

    Ive read alot of threads about clomid causing depression. Is it the clomid causing this or just the low test levels after coming off?? Also now Im reading that nolva alone is good for pct and wont cause depression. So whats up ???
    Can someone please enlighten me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    The low levels of test I wonder if running trib in the last two weeks of your cycle
    and during pct with nolva and b6 would help you out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Your depresion is probably from your hormones being out of wack. Unfortunatly it is a nessesary evil that you must live with. Nolvadex isn't nearly as good at stimulating the hypothalumus to produce LHPH as clomid is.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    Thats why I said run the trib for the last two weeks of the cycle and
    during the pct as it would allready be helping your balls out.,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Trib seems to be a very promising herb. I am throwing that into my next cycle at 4g/day. You could also try and get some tongkat ali since you're already in PCT. That is another herb and is said to be even more potent at naturally raising you test levels.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by shiloh
    Trib seems to be a very promising herb. I am throwing that into my next cycle at 4g/day. You could also try and get some tongkat ali since you're already in PCT. That is another herb and is said to be even more potent at naturally raising you test levels.
    Sometimes when you get tongkat ali, the package will advise you to take a day or two off a week or you will get over stimulated. Well when you are on PCT, you "want to be over stimulated". I am now week 5 of PCT, clomid ended and continuing tongkat with no days off and wow is the tongkat starting to kick in its maximum... morning wood this AM was endless, weight lost early in PCT has been coming back, I almost dare say I have returned to being anabolic and getting muscle growth from on-going workouts in gym. My weights and workout are staying exactly where I was when on cycle, have lost no strength and possibly starting to increase and after a bunch of acne on the back from PCT, all the acne has subsided rapidly and now the skin on shoulders, neck, forehead is getting somewhat oily again, this is all somewhat like when just "starting" testosterone injections because at first skin gets oily but acne declines.

    Someone said if tongkat was so good, then why not do that instead of testosterone, well I dont know if thats a valid point but the stuff is definately "incredible" for use on PCT and inbetween cycles. It will actually move you out of catabolic PCT state and back into anabolic very quickly, helps preserve gains like no-body's business and in fact I think it will help concrete in your gains as being fully sustanable since you "can" support a lot of your gains when off cycle.

    After having been in a somewhat low testosterone state, my spirits are starting to ride high because I am rather certain my current testosterone levels are somewhat a little higher then my normal natural levels should be right now so I am riding some of that "feel good" effect from being in good shape with free testosterone levels.

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