Hey guys, I’m about go jump into my 2nd cycle in a few months. It’s been over a year since my first cycle. (4 weeks of Dbol and 10 weeks of Enanthate)
Here’s what I have in mind, please critique:
Weeks 1-4 Dbol @ 40mg/ED
Weeks 1-10 Tren Enanthate @ 500mg/WK
Weeks 1-12 Test Enanthate @ 600mg/WK
Weeks 6-12 Winstrol @ 50mg/ED
Weeks 1-14 Novladex @ 10mg/ED
Weeks 1-14 B-6 @ 200mg/ED
Day 1: 300 mg.
Weeks 1-4: 100 mg.
Nolvadex @ 20mg/day throughout PCT
B-6 @ 200mg ED throughout PCT
I’ve been working out for four years, 6’0” 180 @ about 17%BF. 21 y/o
I will be dieting down with Clen to get to single digit BF about a month before I begin this cycle.
Any thoughts, suggestions or criticism welcome.