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Thread: Lantus Glargine Slin....

  1. #1

    Lantus Glargine Slin....

    this is a germany slin released in 2000 and became available in us in 2001,
    long actin slin indicated for once daily sub-q at bedtime up to 24 hours duration of action. i'm not sure wether this is the right for me,
    this is the stuff i was able to get, GEAR do u have any info about it or anyone who used it and can tell me if is ok to do it?
    remember 1st time doing it so i want to make sure i'm doing right stuff..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    24 hours is a long window of activity. You would have to be very careful with a duration that long. I'd go with humalog or even humalin.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I had a friend give me a vail of 100 i.u.'s of the exact same kind pf slin.........I was worried about using it b/c I did not have much info on it.....any feedback on if this can be used with my current cycle (1000mg TestE,75mg Anadrol-ed,tren. ace. 75mg-ed)...any ideas would be great..never incorporated slin with my gear.................interested though.

  4. #4
    where are the slin experts?
    we need some input guys...

  5. #5
    come on people help us...

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Lantus Glargine Insulin has a onset of 1hr, it has no peak, and its duration is 24hrs. In other words, this is not a very good drug for bodybuilding purposes. It's important to know that you must carefully monitor things such as your nutritional intake while Insulin is active. Once Insulin is no longer active, you may eat as you usually do. So for you to carefully monitor what you eat for the 24hrs that this type of Insulin is active for, would be a pain in the ass. That is why its best to get the short acting Insulins such as Humalog. Humalog is in and of your system by the 4th hr after injecting it. This makes life a lot easier as nutrition intake monitoring is now necessery for only 4hrs, not 24.

    Its also important to know that its a good idea to avoid sleep while Insulin is active as the insulin may take its peak effect during sleep and significantly drop glucose levels. Being unaware of the warning signs during this slumber, you may be at a high risk of going into a state of severe hypoglycaemia without anyone realizing it. Even though Lantus Glargine Insulin has no peek, this can still occur.

    So now you can see how much of a hassle it would be if you were to use this sort of Insulin for bodybuilding purposes. 24hr nutrition monitoring, avoiding sleep for this amount of time, its just too much. So to make things nice and easy, get some short acting Humalog, and the 24hr hassle suddnley turns into a 4hr hassle. Good luck
    Last edited by Gear; 10-16-2004 at 03:15 PM.

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