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Thread: clen & winny - Bridge?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK

    Question clen & winny - Bridge?

    iv run a search on bridging, and im aware that a bridge (IF you choose to do one) should be something which will allow natural levels to sort out.

    in a number of threads clen was mentioned as a good bridge, and i usually take it post cycle anyway

    assuming that im taking clen anyway (I am right now) would it be detrimental to take a light dose (say 25mg ED) of winny?

    i ask because i have the winny, its not going to be used for my next cycle (Dbol, Test, Deca) and its going to sit there for at least another 14 weeks, and probably be thrown out (its in date but not by much!)

    any ideas/ advice please guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Kaz, I am doing exactly that cycle right now, (just started my winny last week), and just finishing my last week of Clen today. All I can tell ya is that I lost alot of water, and muslces are getting very hard, that is the winny. But however, I have heard that prolonged use of Clen, will downgrade receptors. If I were you, I would not do the 2, 3, 4, 5, 666, etc, I would just do like 2 days on 2 days off. I hear it works better that way, and also will help with the sides. JMO.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    bridging with AS is just another way of staying on cycle. it doesn't matter if you're not using winny the next cycle. you need time off AS completely to let your endocrine system recover. being on even small amounts AS will not allow this to happen.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    I agree with Dr. Evil, I think that Winny/clen is a good bridge, but bridgin is what most Pro guys do anyways.
    I normally try to take 4 weeks off from any AS cycle even longer sometimes if I am a lazy azz..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Right next door.
    Originally posted by Dr.Evil
    bridging with AS is just another way of staying on cycle. it doesn't matter if you're not using winny the next cycle. you need time off AS completely to let your endocrine system recover. being on even small amounts AS will not allow this to happen.
    Nice post.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Personnally If I'm bridging it would be with a low dose of Anavar, but even low dosage will affect natural test levels, so your time off is not off. bridging two cycles together is an affective method of keeping gains and building size, however the body will always require total off time, and unless your competitive this time should run into months not weeks. I took 8 months off last time round and continued to grow naturally. As a rule of thumb timeon = time off, some half this but IMO it is not enough, especially if your are using long acting substances, another reason to switch to short-acting esters at the end of the cycle, sorry have I gone off topic here LOL........just My 2c

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    yes i agree with the time off = time on and i usally do that or more.

    i also *usually* use clen at the end of a cycle and for a short while during time off. this time however i wondered about adding the winny.

    i agree completely with doc evil, sicilian and big al about taking a complete rest. like i said i normally do. i think ill leave the winny out of this and just use my clen as normal.

    i usually end up completely clean for at least the time i was on cycle and i shall probably do it again this time.

    good posts bros, thanks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I did that exact thing. I used the winny to keep muscle while cutting. It prevented natural test from fully recovering but I was up to 75-100mg daily before I knew it. If you include that "bridge" I'll have been on for 14 weeks when I come off this cycle. I'll be lucky to stay off fro over 8 weeks knowing me as well (and that includes time before I can start clomid once sust is out). Soooooo, I don't see much harm in doing it to try it, so long as you don't bridge next time - which is my plan. I can let you know how I turn out but I don't think it'll be a huge problem personally. I have yet to hear of a case in which someone who stayed on too long crashed hard coming off, however I have heard a number of cases of guys who came off after being on for a year or longer who did just fine. That's why I said fuck it but I won't do the winny as a bridge in the future.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    i hear ya Nathan but im a great believer in having some good rest time from AS - this time is a one off which is why i was asking a question lol!

    i think ill leave it like a said and stick to my usually pattern of time off. in the long run it has to be good, and if i stayed on this time, even with only a small dose of winny, my total ON time would be.... 8 weeks i just finished, 8 weeks bridge with winny, and 8 weeks next cycle!

    thats much too long

    ill take my rest i think!

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