In my experience anadrol and finaplix are the most powerful, but i was wondering if other people have done better with other roids.
In my experience anadrol and finaplix are the most powerful, but i was wondering if other people have done better with other roids.
Id like to hear more on this. Bump
test and fina IMO
define powerful? gaining mass? loosing fat?
gainin mass of corse, roids dont lose u large amounts o fat
so ur telling me, winny etc...arnt used for people to cut up then? mass i think test/deca and anadrol, if u want freaky size gotta b the HGH in high doses
no winny is used becoz it doesnt aromatize into estrogen, so u dont get bloat, it duznt significantly decrease ur actual amount of fat or water retention.
i learn something new everyday on this board
Cheque drops??????
Test, no question
Originally Posted by fitnessNY
definatly anadrol
CREATINE all the way, **** is uber
no just kidding, so far I like prop the best, but starting a tren/eq/cyp/anadrol cycle so we shall see
The best Ive done , I did it with Test cypoinate/ Deca/ Anadrol/ halotestin.
By the way I hate Anadrol.
James c, I would say try different things and see what works for you all of our bodies are different. The same way a doctor wont write the same script to everyone with the same illness, we will react diff to diff roids. Personally in my O, Anadrol gave me good weight gains and especially strength! However as far as muscle mass I did better on anabol 40 mg ed. After 4 weeks people were always pulling me over saying D*mn! bro whatcha eatin? I was quite smooth, I never have been ripped, but I dont care I looked like a tank! People started callin me big wink! I loved it. I never got as massive on anadrol, just stronger. my .02
Who said TEST??? Thats funny.
test is the King!
HGH........but i mean, if you dont want to look like a freak, what everyone else said.
only done test prop, so im gonna say that if that makes any reasonable answer since ive only tried one. But I LOVE THE PROP, IM ADDICTED LITERALLY!!!!! VEINS,VEINS,O Look.........MORE VEINS!!!!!
no one for halo ? (not the xbox game)
tren is the most powerful injectable, androl is the most powerful oral....period
mg for mg Halotestin is pretty androgenic.
TREN! D*mn I love it. Tears me up everytime. solid, fast, maintainable, lean gains. And Veins...
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