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Thread: Is there a such thing as Roid Rage? Looks like it!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Is there a such thing as Roid Rage? Looks like it!

    Just thought i would share this. I'm just doing a lot of research right now and i remember a while back SOME people were saying there is no such thing as roid rage.

    All in the mind?
    Testosterone -- the male hormone -- has gotten a bad rap lately. Name a social ill related to violence -- war, wife-beating, child abuse -- and it's likely been blamed on testosterone and the many closely related compounds.

    Medicine's standard answer to the question of whether steroid doping has psychological effects on athletes has been "no," says psychiatrist Harrison Pope of McLean Hospital in Massachusetts. But he says that's a misconception resulting from the fact that medical experimenters cannot ethically give large doses of steroids.

    In the lab, testosterone doses would be limited to 300 milligrams per week. Real athletes, Pope notes, take more than 1,000 milligrams, leading to "a whole different ballgame" where psychological symptoms become "common, and can be very severe."

    Pope, who sometimes serves as an expert witness in court, says he's been "involved in a dozen murder cases where someone went on steroids and killed somebody without a history of violence or crime beforehand." In one case, a 16-year-old boy was charged with killing his 14-year-old girlfriend. Pope says, "We have no evidence of any criminal or violent activity before he started taking steroids. At that point, he had a series of run-ins with the police, which culminated in the murder. He was convicted and sent up for life."

    As the example shows, wives and girlfriends are often the victims of men who are cranked up on steroids. In a study of 88 athletes who used steroids, Pope found 23 percent of current users reporting "major mood disturbances" including mania and major depression. Steroid users also reported aggressive or violent incidents.

  2. #2
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    Also adds on one user, using his fists and a metal bar, seriously damaged three cars, all with their drivers cowering inside, because he had become annoyed by a traffic delay. Another was arrested for causing $1,000 of property damage during a fit of anger at a sporting event; another was arrested for assaulting a motorist; another rammed his head through a wooden door.... Several users reported that they were expelled from their homes by parents, wives, or girlfriends because they became intolerably aggressive.

  3. #3
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    I stand by my position that roid rage is an excuse for assholes to act like assholes.

    Many people are much more even-tempered on cycle. I realize there is an increase in aggression while on -- but it can be controlled if you want to.

    If you have emotional probs - especially ones related to controlling rage, anger, etc...then you probably shouldn't be juicing...JMHO.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by cb25
    I stand by my position that roid rage is an excuse for assholes to act like assholes.

    Many people are much more even-tempered on cycle. I realize there is an increase in aggression while on -- but it can be controlled if you want to.

    If you have emotional probs - especially ones related to controlling rage, anger, etc...then you probably shouldn't be juicing...JMHO.
    You have a point but the kid that killed his g/f had NO previous behavior problems before cycling. This thread goes to the people that say there is NO such thing as roid rage.

  5. #5
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    South Florida
    My theory on roid rage is their is no such thing if your not an psycho roids will not make you one I think you do feel better about yourself almost bulletproof nobody is as big as you nobody is as strong so i can do what i want but if you let that feeling make you do dumb things like rage when you wouldn't it is you not the roids

  6. #6
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by crunchnpunch
    My theory on roid rage is their is no such thing if your not an psycho roids will not make you one I think you do feel better about yourself almost bulletproof nobody is as big as you nobody is as strong so i can do what i want but if you let that feeling make you do dumb things like rage when you wouldn't it is you not the roids
    Can't agree. Show some Evidence

  7. #7
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    South Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by AG5678
    Can't agree. Show some Evidence

    don't have any I am just talking from personal experience what I know and what I have seen

  8. #8
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by crunchnpunch
    don't have any I am just talking from personal experience what I know and what I have seen
    o ok but for the most part my theory is now there is a such thing as roid rage and while on steroids your behavior takes an agressive change.

  9. #9
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    on the net
    My experience is this... Im not a mean person by nature but...while im on cycle and my strength and size increase dramatically.....someone that does something disrespectful to me will definitely get an ear full from me....where as id normally just drop it while not on if that is roid rage than so be it...but my confidence goes through the roof...I wont go out of my way to look for trouble.....just get a lil more cocky while on is all

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    My experience is this... Im not a mean person by nature but...while im on cycle and my strength and size increase dramatically.....someone that does something disrespectful to me will definitely get an ear full from me....where as id normally just drop it while not on if that is roid rage than so be it...but my confidence goes through the roof...I wont go out of my way to look for trouble.....just get a lil more cocky while on is all
    key word.."confidence"i believe that says it all.

    I do not believe in roid rage,i am a short tempered prick normally and when im on im the nicest guy in the world...explain that one to me

  11. #11
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    key word.."confidence"i believe that says it all.

    I do not believe in roid rage,i am a short tempered prick normally and when im on im the nicest guy in the world...explain that one to me
    Bro im not here to get in an arguement but you have no evidence just personal experience. You can't explain the brief article there or can you?

  12. #12
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    Oct 2004
    I can have somewhat of a short fuse nomrally. When Im on cycle I have noticed that it can be a little bit harder to manage but it is still controlable. I have also noticed its worse when I am on a day off from my workouts.
    I dont have any research to support any of this its just what i have noticed personally. Not everyone reacts to drugs the same way.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by AG5678
    You have a point but the kid that killed his g/f had NO previous behavior problems before cycling. This thread goes to the people that say there is NO such thing as roid rage.

    Names , dates , places. Who says these are real stories. If you believe them, don't use steroids. Why try to convince everyone else who doesn't believe in roid rage to stop.

    I've been using in the gram range or over for a few years now. My experience has always been that I am euphioric and laid back while on cycle.

  14. #14
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    May 2002
    Think maturity plays a big role. When I was younger and all juiced up I would def. think I had some roid rages. Now I am older and smarter, and think before I act. Unless someone flat out attacks me or my family I walk away. Can't do anything in the gym with a broken hand.

  15. #15
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    key word.."confidence"i believe that says it all.

    I do not believe in roid rage,i am a short tempered prick normally and when im on im the nicest guy in the world...explain that one to me
    I am the same way! my wife always says "When are you going back on? You're an azz hole when your off" Go figure.

  16. #16
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by AG5678
    Bro im not here to get in an arguement but you have no evidence just personal experience. You can't explain the brief article there or can you?
    I have no experience with roids, not that it matters cause you obviously wanna take an empirical root to establishing whether roid rage exists or not...I don't see how far that's gonna get you though

    ur little article isn't evidence for much, it even says that at the lower doses there wasn't much mental disturbance and at higher dosages the researcher assumes there could be...whoopy!

    plus, we have no clue what the study looked like, etc etc...neway if u really wanted to u could find a study where a researcher says roid rage does not exist, u get what u look for when it comes to science...

    now as for my opinion, i would include the experience of people who have actually tried it, since they know first hand how it feels. It's obvious from the many comments I've read about roid intake that it affects people differently, and it's largely due to what they were expecting

    If you have a disposition for depression lets say, and think u will get depressed if u take roids, it's inevitable that u will...if u think ure gonna be happy, and have low disposition for depression, u probably wont be...etc etc, the variations are endless...even marijuana is used in some cultures as an appetite suppressant, yet here it gives "the munchies"...

    "roid rage" is too ambiguous to conclude whether it exists or not, u dont have to juice to get mad, u dont have to juice to kill, if u are juicing and u do, doesn't mean u wouldn't if u weren't juicing,... yes it could be a factor in such acts....but there are 23432423 others to consider

    Bottom line, it could send people over the edge in a negative way, but it could also send ppl over the edge in a positive way, as some have stated they feel euphoric, generalizing a handful of examples where roid takers have committed crime is just plain stupid.

  17. #17
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    Aug 2004
    I also wanna pose a question

    If crime is so related to testosterone levels, why do women committ crimes as harsh as those committed by it the test that's throwing them over the edge, or the 234234 other factors which affect everyone on Earth?

  18. #18
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    Apr 2004
    The effects of supraphysiological doses of testosterone on angry behavior in healthy eugonadal men--a clinical research center study.

    Tricker R, Casaburi R, Storer TW, Clevenger B, Berman N, Shirazi A, Bhasin S
    Division of Endocrinology, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, California 90059, USA.

    Anecdotal reports of "roid rage" and violent crimes by androgenic steroid users have brought attention to the relationship between anabolic steroid use and angry outbursts. However, testosterone effects on human aggression remain controversial. Previous studies have been criticized because of the low androgen doses, lack of placebo control or blinding, and inclusion of competitive athletes and those with preexisting psychopathology. To overcome these pitfalls, we used a double-blind, placebo-controlled design, excluded competitive athletes and those with psychiatric disorders, and used 600 mg testosterone enanthate (TE)/week. Forty-three eugonadal men, 19-40 yr, were randomized to 1 of 4 groups: Group I, placebo, no exercise; Group II, TE, no exercise; Group III, placebo, exercise; Group IV, TE plus exercise. Exercise consisted of thrice weekly strength training sessions. The Multi-Dimensional Anger Inventory (MAI), which includes 5 different dimensions of anger (inward anger, outward anger, anger arousal, hostile outlook, and anger eliciting situations), and a Mood Inventory (MI), which includes items related to mood and behavior, were administered to subjects before, during, and after the 10 week intervention. The subject's significant other (spouse, live-in partner, or parent) also answered the same questions about the subject's mood and behavior (Observer Mood Inventory, OMI). No differences were observed between exercising and nonexercising and between placebo and TE treated subjects for any of the 5 subdomains of MAI. Overall there were no significant changes in MI or OMI during the treatment period in any group.

    Conclusion: Supraphysiological doses of testosterone, when administered to normal men in a controlled setting, do not increase angry behavior. These data do not exclude the possibility that still higher doses of multiple steroids might provoke angry behavior in men with preexisting psychopathology.

  19. #19
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    Aug 2004
    842 thats where i went. 2) most of yall are on steroids so it would be hard to convince you of something that is a con about it.

  20. #20
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    If a higher perpensity to commit crimes exists at very very high supraphysiological doses than at least SOME perpensity to commit violent crime must exist at EVERY dose. They dose and probabilty of commiting a crime have to be related somehow. IF ROID RAGE DOES IN FACT EXIST. If they are related that would mean that men with higher natural testosterone levels are more likely to commit crime than men with lower levels. Also men with higher 5-ar levels or higher DHT levels are even more likely to commit crime than the other two aformentioned groups. Proponents (people) of roid rage should then be able to argue that the more testosterone you make on your own the more likely you are to commit a crime..... This is obviously not the case......

    MY THEORY: People who use steroids for personal cosmetic reasons often have unstable qualities and many insecurities. When someone looks to steroids and a perfect physique as an end all be all solution to their problems they will always diappointed. You'll never have a perfect physique and getting a better body dosn't tackle the root of self confidence insecurities. This realization, along with hormonal imbalances that do INFLUENCE emotions, further enhance a pre-existing state of mental instability. I believe this is why some people exhibit apparent 'roid rage'. What the objective viewer fails to realize is that these 'feelings' are by no means uncontrollable. There exists no scientific study to date that demonstrates that higher testosterone levels induce a state of mental psychosis which impares the user's cognitive reasoning skills and/or motor functions. People who 'submit' to roid rage/aggression/aggitation are mentally weak and try to blame their ineptitude on steroids. Don't believe media propaganda...................

  21. #21
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    This is from personal experience...
    I feel that when I'm on I can have a bit of a shorter fuse. But I know how to control it. The a holes you read about can't. The added "aggression" should be taken to the gym and be used there.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Im a Masshole
    I dont care what ANYONE here says there is fina-rage!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHI
    MY THEORY: People who use steroids for personal cosmetic reasons...
    Isn't this most people? I would think that the majority of people use AAS to make themselves look better? Am I wrong here? I know a lot of people use it to make themselves stronger but I would think the majority for looks.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by calidude
    Isn't this most people? I would think that the majority of people use AAS to make themselves look better? Am I wrong here? I know a lot of people use it to make themselves stronger but I would think the majority for looks.
    In theory - even steroids are a recreational drug. They help you escape reality - the reality of what your body would look like without the influence of any exogenous testosterone. I"m not saying that all users have these instabilities but rather significant percentage. I prob shouldn't have used the word most. You get my drift though yes????

  25. #25
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    Testosterone is linked to increased Aggression in rats...but we're not rats.

    It's BS.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHI
    In theory - even steroids are a recreational drug. They help you escape reality - the reality of what your body would look like without the influence of any exogenous testosterone. I"m not saying that all users have these instabilities but rather significant percentage. I prob shouldn't have used the word most. You get my drift though yes????

  27. #27
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by calidude
    This is from personal experience...
    I feel that when I'm on I can have a bit of a shorter fuse. But I know how to control it. The a holes you read about can't. The added "aggression" should be taken to the gym and be used there.
    Now what i was saying that an increase of aggression happens while on steroids not if it is or if it isn't controlable. And im not hattin on you calidude

  28. #28
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    Addison, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by crunchnpunch
    My theory on roid rage is their is no such thing if your not an psycho roids will not make you one I think you do feel better about yourself almost bulletproof nobody is as big as you nobody is as strong so i can do what i want but if you let that feeling make you do dumb things like rage when you wouldn't it is you not the roids
    I do get the overall great feeling when I'm on a cycle. I feel like everything is going right, I'm very strong, healthy, and just have a MUCH higher sense of well being. So I guess it is a feeling that I am "bulletproof". But I have never let my self get out of hand. I came close to getting in a fight one time, but realized what was happening, and stopped myself.

  29. #29
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    I havent had an episode of what they call "RAGE" but personally i feel that all that nonsense is BS. Its just a stupid steriotype ppl gave AAS that they can fall back on when they get a little angry. But i can tell you this, i was at a party last weekend and some dude got in a fight with my girl then pushed her. And im normally a really nice person but something twitched and i unloaded on him, mainly because nobody should ever touch a girl and especially mine. There are some small things that could get you ticked off and cercumstances like that are one but in the most part there is no such thing as roid rage. Just a bull**** excuse to tell someone when you get a little angry so they think its not normally you when it really is.

  30. #30
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    My psych professor says women's aggression does increase with supplemented testosterone, but that men's does not, like there's a plateau effect and increasing testosterone levels eventually doesn't do anything for your anger. I don't have any physical evidence to back this up for, so this post kinda sucks

  31. #31
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    Prop ED Builds Character
    it seams legit to me, i honestly think that your brain couldnt brew up those statements. I sure as hell wouldnt ever realize that.

  32. #32
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    I think guys on roids use it as an excuse to go nuts whenever they want.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Rage is a myth.

  34. #34
    This guy from school that I happen to know decided to cycle poorly and didn't take my nor any of my friend's advice. (Deca and Dbol, no test, no b6, no PCT) Upon his first day of cycling he got into a big argument with his girlfriend and acted like a dick head. It was for something small and he acted more stupid than he should of to show off. He told us he was starting the week before and we knew that was his first day. Than afterwards he told me, wow roid rage is real bro..****, I couldn't believe I lost it like that. I just nodded my head and went to class. Now anyone with half a brain about juice knows it didn't even get into his system yet, so it didn't have time to get any side effects, good or bad yet. In my opinion, roid rage is B*ll**** and people just act that way to show off. "I'm on roids, im soooo tufff, fight me, im supermannn..!!!!"

    Even if it is real, it's all about knocking someone out who deserves it, sparing the people who don't, and the wisdom to know the difference. lol.

  35. #35
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    The study doesn't say if they were drinking or on any kind of drugs. If you juice and drink you are likely to make a dumb choice like puch some one for no reason

  36. #36
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    I've never done a cycle, but I can imagine where "roid rage" started.
    I'm a big guy, no more aggressive than my friends but if some average sized guy thinks he can take me or starts to pick a fight with a friend of mine in a bar I don't think about it for a second, I smack him. Why? Cuz I know if I hit the prick as hard as I can he ain't getting up anytime soon, my average sized friends don't immediately resort to violence and usually walk away or try and talk their way out of it. why? cuz they don't know they can win. Just because I resort to violence first doesn't make me aggressive, I don't start the fight, but if someones talking **** I hit them, I dont do the **** talking.

    I reckon thats where "roid rage" comes from. If you've just put on 20 pounds of muscle and seen yourself pushing huge weights in the gym and someone starts to mess with you of course you're gonna hit them. It should be called "strength rage" if anything, it just comes from knowing you're a lot stronger than the other guy. Just my .02

  37. #37
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    I did notice that anadrol makes me grouchy and irritable. Sorta like getting wired on caffeine over a few weeks and suddenly going cold turkey. I can deal with it at normal doses. Test makes me confident as hell and totally un-defensive. Dbol makes me happy happy happy. Haven't tried fina yet. Deca I wouldn't know cause the test I took probably obscured any psychological effect from the deca. Never did over a gram a week so I don't know what heavier doses would do to my head, yet. But I really think a well balanced and sensible person would have no probs controlling their temper on gear. By sensible I mean someone on guard against going off-tilt from the gear, who is not normally a horse's ass, and who does a sensible cycle, and doesn't go on a gram a friggin day without doing several increasingly stronger cycles, first.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anteros
    I also wanna pose a question

    If crime is so related to testosterone levels, why do women committ crimes as harsh as those committed by it the test that's throwing them over the edge, or the 234234 other factors which affect everyone on Earth?
    There are going to be crazy people both men and women... are trying to tell me that there are as many women in prison as men???? No I didn't think so. Also although I hate to say this because I always thought that your attitude was completely up to you while on cycle prior to use... I become much more short tempered and rude while on. I get aggrevated. I am an asshole... and excuse/reason... whatever you want to call it... it gets MUCH worse when I'm on. I even go out of my way to controll it while on but it's still worse. I wouldn't give it up for anything though don't get me wrong... I just think a lot of guys are trying to be so supportive of steroid use that they try to deny the obvious which is that it makes a lot of users worse. (still do your best to not do anything stupid!)

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    I've never done a cycle, but I can imagine where "roid rage" started.
    I'm a big guy, no more aggressive than my friends but if some average sized guy thinks he can take me or starts to pick a fight with a friend of mine in a bar I don't think about it for a second, I smack him. Why? Cuz I know if I hit the prick as hard as I can he ain't getting up anytime soon, my average sized friends don't immediately resort to violence and usually walk away or try and talk their way out of it. why? cuz they don't know they can win. Just because I resort to violence first doesn't make me aggressive, I don't start the fight, but if someones talking **** I hit them, I dont do the **** talking.

    I reckon thats where "roid rage" comes from. If you've just put on 20 pounds of muscle and seen yourself pushing huge weights in the gym and someone starts to mess with you of course you're gonna hit them. It should be called "strength rage" if anything, it just comes from knowing you're a lot stronger than the other guy. Just my .02
    Well said bro.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by AG5678
    Now what i was saying that an increase of aggression happens while on steroids not if it is or if it isn't controlable. And im not hattin on you calidude
    No hattin felt

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