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Thread: 2nd cycle/?

  1. #1

    2nd cycle/?

    hey guys ,,i am a new member on this board and new to juice too,,i have just made one sustanon only cycle that i ran at 500 mg for 9 weeks ,,,i got facial acne from the cycle ,,it wasnt severe but it was disgusting ,,i was using benzoyl peroxide cream but with very little help ..and it left some brown spots over which i cant remove ,,there was some hairloss also specially in the crown area but nothing noticeable...i just tend to find a lot of hair in my hands whenever i washed my hair in the cycle ...i am planning to run my second cycle soon which gonna be deca and sustanon ,,i am not sure at what doses should i run these ,,i want the greatest gains and the minimal sides out of it ,,,also what hair and acne meds should i be using ,,,i have ran accuatne at 20 mg for 2 weeks and it seemed to clear up the acne ,,so any ideas ?? peace ..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    sust should b shot everyday so u wanna shoot 500mg/week so split it up so u shoot ed, shot the deca at 400mg/week shot twice a week. talk to ur doc and maybe do accutane thruout ur cycle aslo try showering twice a day and try some b5 and/or proactive.

  3. #3
    Buy some topical stuff for your hair like nizoral since deca (may or may not) have a bad effect when using propecia. The topical stuff should block the dht to the scalp pretty good.

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