Could all AR members who have first hand experience with nandrolone phenylpropionate please comment on the drug? Sides, lean mass gain, etc. Thanks a lot bros!!
Could all AR members who have first hand experience with nandrolone phenylpropionate please comment on the drug? Sides, lean mass gain, etc. Thanks a lot bros!!
I used it just like prop, eod injects @100mg, and used it for four weeks with dbol (as I have always been told dbol deca great stack) during a dbol-test cyp-deca-eq-nnp-winny cycle. I ended up using some fina at the ass end with the winny.
Back to the question at hand, it was just like the nandrolone was active with dbol in the beginning(big gain, not all lean, but I have not really ever done a cut cycle).
bump for more input
Good quality mass and strength gains. Really started noticing the effects toward the end of my first week. Never cycled the deconate ester so I can't compare the two. I cycled prop, masteron, and winny along with it....will definately include it into future cycles.
Thanks for the input i'll add your name to the complete durbolin profile. Fag is the name right?Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
It's good stuff. Apparently, the Syrus Prop is potent stuff! My buddy is running it at 50mg ED and loving it. His carbs are around the 200-300g mark and he's telling me the pump is pretty insane.
Thanks Ronny. I'm doing the profile and i came across a study that show why you boy is getting those insane pumps. The profile is finished really but i'll was hoping to add some users exp to it to give it a "home grown" look and feeling.Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
Let me add some stuff in then...
For the first...4 shots? Yeah, he was running 100mg EOD and noticed some pain. He tolerated it at first but then decided to give it a rest for a day or so. So he did, he picked up some Test Enanthate. He shot up 100mg NPP with 125mg Test Enanthate EOD and still noticed a little bit of pain, but nothing compared to what it was like. He started getting very used to the NPP after about 5 injections.
He's ran high doses before and has told me that he's never had such an awesome pump in such a short amount of time. He's also mentioned that his joint pain has started to disappear and that he's starting to pile on some lean muscle. I can't say how much, but he's loving the stuff. He's been on itt for about 3 weeks now and his arms are up .5" while still doing a good amount of cardio, circuit training and dropping some unwanted BF. He manages to keep in a good amount of carbs to make sure that he can push himself through his workouts fine and maintain his muscle.
So far, the key thing that I remember is that even at a low dose, it's **** potent. Atleast the Syrus labs.
thanks for the input!Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
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