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Thread: How 'quick' should an injection take?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    How 'quick' should an injection take?

    Injecting Test E in glute @350mg w/ 23 guage (maybe use 25)

    How much time should this take? A recent post suggested 1 minute. 1 minute seems a bit lengthy for an injection, no? I can remember staring at the second hand back in highschool and how painful it was just sitting there. I couldnt imagine having a needle in my ass while it made its way back to the 12!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Its oil going through a tiny hole.... it takes time

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    about 1 min per ml is right.

  4. #4
    Squirt as fast you can bro, your muscle will feel like someone hit it with a bat. Have patience bro, your putting oil into your body and I suggest you go the mile.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    So. Cal
    For me, the needle does not hurt once it's in...The slower you push in the AAS, in general, the less soreness you'll have....if you're using 250 mgs/ML then for 350 mgs I think 30 - 45 seconds is a good guidline.....The main thing is not to "force" it in but to keep the plunger moving without "forcing" can use either 23 or 25. I prefer to draw the Test E out with a 22 and then change the needle to a 25 for the injection, but I've used 23's quite a bit as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    So. Cal
    sorry, I meant to type 45 seconds to 1:15 for 350 mgs (if it's 250 mgs/ML)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by c5529
    For me, the needle does not hurt once it's in...The slower you push in the AAS, in general, the less soreness you'll have....if you're using 250 mgs/ML then for 350 mgs I think 30 - 45 seconds is a good guidline.....The main thing is not to "force" it in but to keep the plunger moving without "forcing" can use either 23 or 25. I prefer to draw the Test E out with a 22 and then change the needle to a 25 for the injection, but I've used 23's quite a bit as well.
    what length is your needle and where are you shooting it?

    think 1" will be long enough for someone with no ass?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    So. Cal
    I use 1.5" for the ass and 1" for everywhere else....IMO, you're probably fine with the 1".....For the glute, inject into the upper quadrant of the glute....I know there are some pictures posted of where to inject into the glutes....

  9. #9
    whats the longest you took to shoot?

    I think i took 5 minutes to shoot 2ccs : )

    I was super carfull because It was my first time shooting 2ccs compared to 1.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    So. Cal
    5 minutes??? wow, I could not stand to have a 1.5 inch needle in me for 5 minutes!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    if you want to somewhat speed up the injection time and make it considerably more comfortable, run really h ot water over the amp/vial, until the oil seems to be thinner.... then draw and shoot it. it comes out faster, u dont need a whole minute per cc, and its alot more more comfortable IMO

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    BTW i was in a rush thursday, i did a quick shot in the delt, i tok maybe 25-30 secs to get it all out into my delt, when i pulled out there was a friggin lump, i had toi massage it for like a minute or two to get it to go down, and right now my right shoulder is so sore i may have to wait till thursday or so to train delts.... so take ur time it helps with the soreness

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by c5529
    5 minutes??? wow, I could not stand to have a 1.5 inch needle in me for 5 minutes!

    haha i dont know how i did it so long, I was like in a daze. Once i get it in all the way I feel so much better, going in is really nervous for me, I can feel when i go thru veins or nerves or what ever, when it hurts to push! but once I get it situated im relaxed. Pulling out is like drinking water : )

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
    Its oil going through a tiny hole.... it takes time
    Exactly you don't want to go to fast you can cause more pain if you go to fast.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Addison, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by c5529
    5 minutes??? wow, I could not stand to have a 1.5 inch needle in me for 5 minutes!
    The needle doesn't hurt once it is through the skin. I used to have the most horrible needle phobia. I totally didn't mind injections at all if it was from someone else. But when I tried to inject myself, it was like there was some sort of force field around my a$$. I just couldn't bring myslef to do it. Finally after sitting in the bathroom for about an hour,....seriously,....I finally did it. And wouldn't you know, the first time I stuck myself, pulled back on the plunger to see if I was in a vein, and I was. So I had to pull out and do it again. But now on my 5th injection, I'm a pro. It doesn't bother me at all now. The only part that hurts, like I said is the initial prick from the needle breaking through the skin. I actually push the neddle in slow after I get through the skin, and I barely feel it. The nerves under the skin are different, and fewer in quantity than at the surface of the skin.

    As for how long it takes, I did my first ever quad injection today, and it took a good two minutes for 2.5cc (500mg) through a 23 gauge needle. My normal glute injections take at least a minute. I think the quad is just such a more dense muscle.

    Don't fear the needle. After you finally do it for the first time, you will see just how much of a little beotch you were being. I know I did.
    Last edited by 9000rpm; 01-02-2005 at 09:15 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    here it is use a 25 g, run it under warm water and inject apply adequeate pressure , its right on teh money not too fast not to slow ,u dont wantto go super fast cuase teh pressure of teh oil will disturb teh oil ,it wont have time to disperse cuase lumps and a bit more pain

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 9000rpm
    The needle doesn't hurt once it is through the skin. I used to have the most horrible needle phobia. I totally didn't mind injections at all if it was from someone else. But when I tried to inject myself, it was like there was some sort of force field around my a$$. I just couldn't bring myslef to do it. Finally after sitting in the bathroom for about an hour,....seriously,....I finally did it. And wouldn't you know, the first time I stuck myself, pulled back on the plunger to see if I was in a vein, and I was. So I had to pull out and do it again. But now on my 5th injection, I'm a pro. It doesn't bother me at all now. The only part that hurts, like I said is the initial prick from the needle breaking through the skin. I actually push the neddle in slow after I get through the skin, and I barely feel it. The nerves under the skin are different, and fewer in quantity than at the surface of the skin.

    As for how long it takes, I did my first ever quad injection today, and it took a good two minutes for 2.5cc (500mg) through a 23 gauge needle. My normal glute injections take at least a minute. I think the quad is just such a more dense muscle.

    Don't fear the needle. After you finally do it for the first time, you will see just how much of a little beotch you were being. I know I did.

    My first time, I was in the bathroom for hours, and I finally just put on some loud music and stuck it in, the worst part.... the pins that my source got me... 12G! I thought that was what everyone used! It sucked, and since I didnt know any better, I kept using the 12G pins for like 5 weeks. I dont wish that on my worst enemy!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleDave

    My first time, I was in the bathroom for hours, and I finally just put on some loud music and stuck it in, the worst part.... the pins that my source got me... 12G! I thought that was what everyone used! It sucked, and since I didnt know any better, I kept using the 12G pins for like 5 weeks. I dont wish that on my worst enemy!
    Wow... I hope that was a typo! Did you mean "21ga"? A 12 is like extra big IV size, like for when the patient is gonna die, anyway! It would look impossibly big for injecting! An 18ga is like an extra freaky S&M implement, or for drawing only. A 21ga is a bit on the big side but still sort of usable. My ex used to use it for her HRT injections until I showed her how much nicer a 23ga is, and how sweet it goes in when you change the pin after drawing.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Wow... I hope that was a typo! Did you mean "21ga"? A 12 is like extra big IV size, like for when the patient is gonna die, anyway! It would look impossibly big for injecting! An 18ga is like an extra freaky S&M implement, or for drawing only. A 21ga is a bit on the big side but still sort of usable. My ex used to use it for her HRT injections until I showed her how much nicer a 23ga is, and how sweet it goes in when you change the pin after drawing.
    no typo... I stuck two 12g pins in my ass once a week for 5 weeks untill I found out that everyone else used smaller pins. This was before the internet days and I only knew one other guy that did roids. It was 200mg of primo and 250mg of mexican tesiprim-D. I was afraid to mix the two in one shot, so i just did two shots... man i thought everyone did it, and i was just being a pussy. I guess my pain was warranted. LOL

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