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Thread: Dosing Clen & T3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Question Dosing Clen & T3

    im currently doing 100mcg of clen & t3, the shakes are slight and manageable. starting monday im going to be doing cardio twice daily. would it be ok to up the dosage to 200mcg of clen and keep the T3 at 100 or up the dose for both? Im 5'11, 215lbs. Looking to drop 15lbs of holiday weight.

  2. #2
    200mcgs is a pretty high dose,the highest i have ever heard is 160mcgs,I probably wouldn't go any higher than that.If you do go to 200 expect your shakes to get alot worse.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    So would I increase both to 160 or just the clen?

  4. #4
    From what I read you should monitor your body temp to see if your in the optiminal temp for fat burning when it comes to T3, and dose accordingly to keep yourself in the range. As far as clen goes I think its just how much you can handle the shakes.

  5. #5
    I plan on running Clen/T3 myself for as long as I can on a 7/5 day cycle after reading Mallets posts.

    1-5day 100mcg
    6 50mcg
    7 25 mcg
    -5 days off

    1-7 day 100mcg
    -5days off

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    im taking the 2weeks on 2weeks off the 2 weeks off im gonna run lipo6

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    London UK
    I would run the T3 for 6-8 weeks and ensure a very slow taper down This is critical so that TSH levels are allowed to adapt to the dosage so that there is no crash.

    With the clen dosaging then Take 2 tabs(40mcgs) day 1 and increase by 1 tab/day until shaking or side effects become too much then back-off by 1 tab and hold at that level. If you possess a good tolerance to clen, then stop at 140mcs/day (7tabs) max as anymore is overkill, the receptors quickly become saturated and can't take it.


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