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Thread: Slin timing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Slin timing

    I have 2 questions that I cany seem to find accurate answers to.

    #1 I follow up my routine in the am with 30 mins of cardio. Do I still have a 20 min window after the cardio for my slin?

    #2 At my gym including the parkinglot there really isnt any privacy. It takes me 20 mins to get home, is it to late for the effects to really work?

    I have plenty of time after the gym to take care of the pwo meals etc, Just wasnt sure how big of an effective window I have

  2. #2
    The "anabolic window'' is best immediatley after but can work up to 90 mins after.

  3. #3
    I wouldn't do slin after cardio. I'm not really sure how it would work but I would think it would negate the effects of the cardio and lessen the window after your lifting to get the slin in. Also, use the bathroom stall for your injection, it only takes a second with a slin pin.

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Insulin is best taken immidietly PWO. I wouldn't take it after cardio though, stick to after weight lifting only. Every gym has toilets so that's a good place to have a shot. Good luck.


  5. #5
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    Jul 2003
    So can I hit the slin after my lift and then do cardio or should I just do cardio in the evening? Most of the reason for the cardio is to help keep my blood pressure in check etc.. Kind of a threadjack but is there any corrolation to the amount of cals ingested after a slin shot to the amount of gains attained?

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hey bro, doing cardio after lifting weights isn't really a good idea. And what's even worse, is when you train, take your Insulin, then do cardio. So cardioing after training/Insulin is a no no. If i was on your spot and was combining cardio with weight lifting, I would cardio in the AM, train in the PM and immidietly post training I would take your Insulin. IMO, that's the best way to go about it. Hope it all works out for you.


  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    Your muscles are only going to be able to accept so much protein and sugar from the simple carbs you injest immediately post workout and post slin injection. Any protein and carbs above and beyond this will be stored as fat. That is the double-edged sword part of slin. It will help your recovery and growth immensely .... but if you use the more is better approach with post slin nutrition, you will end up gaining a ton of fat along with your muscle gains.
    I totally agree there. That's why it's a good idea to have a BG monitor which can help you fine tune your diet. This way you know if you are/aren't overloading your body with nutrition.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Thanks fella's

  9. #9
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    Jul 2003
    With the pwo protien is there any rule of thumb , I always though that about 50-75 was the magic # and closer to 100 with slin.....

  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpt steele
    With the pwo protien is there any rule of thumb , I always though that about 50-75 was the magic # and closer to 100 with slin.....
    50g of protein PWO if not using Insulin is more than plenty for most people. And if you are using Insulin, then you don't really need anymore than 75g PWO. Now unless you are taking a lot of gH/IGF/AAS, I would stick to those numbers. Good luck.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Yeah I am going to use igf and t3 so lets figure about 75 thanks for the help guys

  12. #12
    what i you do your shot IM. einstein said to do about 75g dextrose and 25. min later 70g protien. wouldn't that lead to fat gain. gear how would you go about fine tuning your car intake when using slin. i read before you take you bg level after the action of the slin about 4 hours with novorapid and if it's above normal then you had too many carbs. if it's low then too little? is that how you do it?

  13. #13
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandynamo
    what i you do your shot IM. einstein said to do about 75g dextrose and 25. min later 70g protien. wouldn't that lead to fat gain. gear how would you go about fine tuning your car intake when using slin. i read before you take you bg level after the action of the slin about 4 hours with novorapid and if it's above normal then you had too many carbs. if it's low then too little? is that how you do it?
    Your dextrose intake depends on how much Insulin you take. The common rule is 10g of carbs for every 1IU of Insulin. Every time Einy was on this subject, he always said to take your protein shake about 10 - 15 minutes after your dextrose/glutamine/creatine. And I totally agree with that. I have never come across any of his posts where he states that protein intake should be 25 minutes after your dextroe intake. But maybe he did, it must have been a thread by him that I missed. But IMO, waiting 25 minutes to take your protein after your dextrose intake is unnecessary.

    You shouldn't have any problems with fat gain as long as you are intaking the right amount of nutrition at the right time, and also as long as you aren't intaking the wrong sort of nutrients while Insulin is active. To decrease the chances of fat storage, some people actually bend the rules and don't excatly take 10g of carbs for every 1IU of Insulin. They lower their carb intake to under 10g. This will decrease the chances of fat storage as less nutrients are taken. However, it increases the chances of going into hypoglycemia though, but some people know how far they can push themselves and seem to find a cumfy "nutrient dose" and feel safe even when taking under 10g of carbs for every 1IU of Insulin. I do not recomend anyone, and especially beginners to lower their carb intake as it can be highly dangerous as it increases the chances of going into hypoglycemia.

    As for fine tuning your diet, well it's actually quite easy, but I must say you can never be spot on, but you can defenitely be close. If your monitor is showing that your BG levels have dropped majorly, then you know you have space to inatake more nutrients (simple carbs in this case, pref dextrose). If your monitor is showing that your BG levels are fairly high, then you know you probably had some extra unnecessary nutrients. If that was to happen though, you would at least know that you are far away from going into hypoglycemia, which is a good thing. But BG levels can change within minutes, and it all depends on your activity and your diet. That is why it is recomended to monitor your BG levels fairly often. It all takes a little while, and in time you will find it is actually fairly easy to monitor your BG levels.

    Hope that explained everything you needed to know. Good luck to you mate.

    Last edited by Gear; 01-12-2005 at 09:21 AM.

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