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Thread: Injecting into bicep?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Injecting into bicep?

    I got one for u guys umm i hear when u inject test substances into biceps/triceps area's not the arse umm that it makes that particular muscle bigger? but does it make it bigger because of an temporary infection that will eventually go away? or a permanent gain in that area?.. just curious...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    I've asked this question before myself, and from what I gathered the only injectable that will make a muscle bigger is synthol. The only reason to rotate sites is when your on a few different compounds and your trying to avoid an oil buildup in a muscle group.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    spot injections are BS imo..unless its synthol...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    No this will not make injection muscle bigger. It may appear bigger for a few days because of the oil in the muscle but it will go away.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    aight thanks for the heads up guys i was gonna inject my biceps daily ! lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    Quote Originally Posted by Phatso
    aight thanks for the heads up guys i was gonna inject my biceps daily ! lol
    do not inject in to one spot daily. that is a good way to get an absess

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dive_kid
    do not inject in to one spot daily. that is a good way to get an absess
    I'm not saying its necessarily the smartest thing to do but I shoot my glutes every single day. I actually have done that with my last 2 cycles. I would guess that I have shot a couple hundred ml's of oil with not a single issue. Now granted I homebrew my own gear so it is painless but absesses are not due to repetitive shooting but from deep tissue infection that could happen regardless of how many spot rotations you choose.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    I'm not saying its necessarily the smartest thing to do but I shoot my glutes every single day. I actually have done that with my last 2 cycles. I would guess that I have shot a couple hundred ml's of oil with not a single issue. Now granted I homebrew my own gear so it is painless but absesses are not due to repetitive shooting but from deep tissue infection that could happen regardless of how many spot rotations you choose.
    an absess can also be caused by not giving the oil enough time to disapate.
    I hat it happen to me. I injected in the same spot 2 days later and wham...infection time. one day after the injection I was at the doctor getting the s-it sucked out of my quad. about 4 oz of infected s-it. real grose.
    any way if there is any discomfort from the last shot I would recomend
    using a different site. most people recomend 1 hit of a site/week.
    it will also keep the scare tissue down.
    oh and btw.....I to was using homebrew, but mine was pain full

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Test Suspention will do that, but only if you can handle injecting twice everyday

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    Test Suspention will do that, but only if you can handle injecting twice everyday
    thats true you would be a pin cushion

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by sepjuice
    spot injections are BS imo..unless its synthol...
    There are studies being made that test suspension and igf1 may increase the nitrogen balance extremely in the muscles and tissue it is injected directly into.

  12. #12
    Swellin Guest
    Esterless gear may very well increase the growth in the area of injection. I am currently running TNE in oil, and the 2xD injects suck. However, the potential for localization is worth it (so is the super fast effect of suspension). Three days in, morning wood appeared. It hits fast and hard, but it is a bear to put up with the injections.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    My opinion

    Site injects are BS, unless they're synthol (which is crap as far as I'm, concerned). Why not just hit your ass, or your delts. The only reason they would look bigger is because your injecting a bunch of **** into them. For AS to work "correctly" you need to hit the big, dense muscle groups such as stated above. I would stick with what has worked for all of us for many years. Don't waste you goods trying new ****, unless you made of $$

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