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Thread: Share your near death experiences

  1. #1

    Share your near death experiences

    I was chillin with the family the other day n my mom's best friend who's husband is in thailand say on the day of tsunami her husband who owns a hotel, for some strange reason didn't go to work. Everyone in that hotel (500 people) ended up dead that day. I guess when its ur time to go its ur to go.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Here's mine: I was staying in a tourist hotel in Leningrad (now St Petersburg, Russia) when someone started banging on my door early in the morning. The concierge popped in yelling "Fire! Fire" and almost pulling me out of my room. The hall was full of smoke and she was herding a bunch of people into the stairwell, which luckily was just to the right of my room. It was January and I realized I hadn't put my shoes on so I ran back in, pulled them on and when I got back into the hall the door was shut and everyone was gone. I could hear banging and yelling from down the hall. I pulled at the door and when it wouldn't open it suddenly occured to me I was trapped. I kept pulling and pulling getting more panicked by the second when it occured to me to try pushing it open. Duh, it worked. When I got to the bottom of the stairwell, about 9 floors down there was a big crowd of people trying to pry open a door that this time really WAS locked. They were about going crazy, prying it with their fingers and not getting it to budge. I pushed through the crowd got them to stand back, grabbed the knob with both hands and pulled as hard as I could. I pulled the whole lock part out of the casing, popping it open. This took us into the lobby, which everyone was relieved to see was not on fire, and out into the street. From there I could see my entire floor was in flames.

    That's the one time I can say working out really came in handy. Nobody else could get that door to budge.

  3. #3
    I know a couple my buddies who also have crazy luck, One of them got shot pretty much very close distance within like 10-15 feet a .45 caliber handgun, the bullet hit him right above the left side of his chest, i guess he was turning as he got shot n the bullet ended up in his righ arm breakin his bicept arm. I also remeber another friend who was arguing with some guy in a gas station through the drivers side, the guy was sittin in the car his door open the engine runnin n my friend was yellin at him. I guess as more cars pulled up the driver got nervous n put the car in drive n tried to drive off to the main street. On the other hand my friend whos not a very bright individual is hangin from the side of the car n tryin to kick the guy as he's drivin off, the guy tried to exit the gas station where there was a speedin car on the street hit the car exactly where my buddy was hangin. Wholly **** man i tell u guys i though no way in hell my buddy would survive after the impact but he got up without scartch on him i couldn't belive it. it was some real tv ****

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ACLU headquarters
    Let me note that I was a troubled young man. I had major depression and drug problems stemming from that. I now own NO guns and do not drink or do narcotics. This is a list mostly of stupid things that may have caused my death, one was actually not my own fault.

    19 robbed a bookie and he emptied his gun at me as I ran down an alley
    21 overdosed on valium (was trying to kill myself) someone discovered me and my stomach was pumped.
    21 three days later pissed that I was not dead, drove into a telephone pole at 60 mph
    22 was in Philly and was standing on the corner when a gun battle broke out 2 people killed
    23 took all the pills in my house trying to kill myself , slept for 2 days woke up and admiited myself to the funny farm
    23 in the funny farm was told that my liver was failing within the next 48 hours I had taken 200 tylenol 2 days before, along with other "items", death was certain
    23 was in the projects buying (stupid drugs) when machine gun fire went off and people scattered, gang warfare
    25 girlfriend chased me out of the house with my shotgun in hand and tried to shoot me in my car
    26 while drunk acidentally shot a hole in the wall while cleaning my gun
    27 was standing in my hallway with a shotgun in the line of sight of the front door when 4 police kicked the door in, luckily they all failed to draw their weapons
    27 facing 15 yrs for assault (near death to me) went to jury trial and won
    36 was told I had stage III lymphoma , outcome probable death, had a living will etc.....prepared for death, miraculously it was a rare disease uncommon the white males not cancer

    These are a few off the top of my head. The thing is people tell me there is no GOD. People die all the time......... why am I here? I have no luck so to speak so it isn't an incredible streak of luck. Someone want to tell me why I am here? God has a plan, I have no idea what it was.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    Let me note that I was a troubled young man. I had major depression and drug problems stemming from that. I now own NO guns and do not drink or do narcotics. This is a list mostly of stupid things that may have caused my death, one was actually not my own fault.

    19 robbed a bookie and he emptied his gun at me as I ran down an alley
    21 overdosed on valium (was trying to kill myself) someone discovered me and my stomach was pumped.
    21 three days later pissed that I was not dead, drove into a telephone pole at 60 mph
    22 was in Philly and was standing on the corner when a gun battle broke out 2 people killed
    23 took all the pills in my house trying to kill myself , slept for 2 days woke up and admiited myself to the funny farm
    23 in the funny farm was told that my liver was failing within the next 48 hours I had taken 200 tylenol 2 days before, along with other "items", death was certain
    23 was in the projects buying (stupid drugs) when machine gun fire went off and people scattered, gang warfare
    25 girlfriend chased me out of the house with my shotgun in hand and tried to shoot me in my car
    26 while drunk acidentally shot a hole in the wall while cleaning my gun
    27 was standing in my hallway with a shotgun in the line of sight of the front door when 4 police kicked the door in, luckily they all failed to draw their weapons
    27 facing 15 yrs for assault (near death to me) went to jury trial and won
    36 was told I had stage III lymphoma , outcome probable death, had a living will etc.....prepared for death, miraculously it was a rare disease uncommon the white males not cancer

    These are a few off the top of my head. The thing is people tell me there is no GOD. People die all the time......... why am I here? I have no luck so to speak so it isn't an incredible streak of luck. Someone want to tell me why I am here? God has a plan, I have no idea what it was.

    sh!t bro, u sound like u've had a troubled childhood. But u know when its not ur time, its not ur time to go. But we all gotta go when the man upstairs calls upon us. I hope u r makin out better now in life bro. ALL THE BEST

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    Let me note that I was a troubled young man. I had major depression and drug problems stemming from that. I now own NO guns and do not drink or do narcotics. This is a list mostly of stupid things that may have caused my death, one was actually not my own fault.

    19 robbed a bookie and he emptied his gun at me as I ran down an alley
    21 overdosed on valium (was trying to kill myself) someone discovered me and my stomach was pumped.
    21 three days later pissed that I was not dead, drove into a telephone pole at 60 mph
    22 was in Philly and was standing on the corner when a gun battle broke out 2 people killed
    23 took all the pills in my house trying to kill myself , slept for 2 days woke up and admiited myself to the funny farm
    23 in the funny farm was told that my liver was failing within the next 48 hours I had taken 200 tylenol 2 days before, along with other "items", death was certain
    23 was in the projects buying (stupid drugs) when machine gun fire went off and people scattered, gang warfare
    25 girlfriend chased me out of the house with my shotgun in hand and tried to shoot me in my car
    26 while drunk acidentally shot a hole in the wall while cleaning my gun
    27 was standing in my hallway with a shotgun in the line of sight of the front door when 4 police kicked the door in, luckily they all failed to draw their weapons
    27 facing 15 yrs for assault (near death to me) went to jury trial and won
    36 was told I had stage III lymphoma , outcome probable death, had a living will etc.....prepared for death, miraculously it was a rare disease uncommon the white males not cancer

    These are a few off the top of my head. The thing is people tell me there is no GOD. People die all the time......... why am I here? I have no luck so to speak so it isn't an incredible streak of luck. Someone want to tell me why I am here? God has a plan, I have no idea what it was.

    Hey man I know in my heart there is a God too. Glad to hear you turned your life around.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Blew a red light doing 98 mph.

    I mean 30 mph because I dont speed. I mean I stopped at that red light.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    1. Getting muged by gun point, and the 3 thieves taking me to a hill and deciding how to kill of the 3 convinced the others to let me go....30 minutes

    2. Getting pounded by a monster set of 15ft waves.......thought I would drown

    3. surfing during a storm, and seeing a shark right underneath me....not a dolphin, a shark!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Couple months ago I rolled my car going 75 mph and landed upside down, still in the lane. I was still buckled into my seat and I thought somebody was going to hit me any second. I unlocked the door and crawled out without a scratch. Lucky.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Shot once
    Shot twice
    Stabbed 3 times
    Stabbed twice
    Jumped and beat half to death, several broken bones/stab wounds, coma for a few days

    I got nine lives but im runnin out.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    1.Bike crash- nearly severed my femoral artery(I nicked it-so says the doc)
    2.Caught on the fire line, when the fire switched directions(barely, barely got outta this one)
    3. Front tire blew out on my truck while I was doing 80 mph on the interstate(flipped through the median, rolled to a stop on the opposite side of the interstate)
    3. Went extreme skiing and was caught in a avalanche(sp?)-
    4. Goured by a steer in a HS rodeo(my right thigh)~for all you sickies out there
    5. Lost for 3 days in the Unita Mnts.(in utah) with my best friend when we were 10 yrs. old
    6. - oh almost forgot- was robbed at gun point in Mexico. (I gave them everything even my shoes-I really think I would have died if someone wasen't watching over me)

    ~looking for the next adventure!!~
    Last edited by scooby122884; 02-03-2005 at 03:43 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    BDTR- I just noticed that all of your near death expirences seem to have someone ELSE trying to kill you. Man, that must be some hate you are spreading.....jk

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