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Thread: Before show. Does it make any sense?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Before show. Does it make any sense?

    Would it be ok to take test( 750 weekly), winstrol( 50 ed or eod), primo( 200-400 mg weeky) and tren( 75 ed or eod) all together 8 to 10 weeks before a show? Or if I use tren I would be better off dropping the winny or viceversa?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    You're doing this to hold on to the majority of your lean mass up to the show?

    Is the show tested?

    If it is.. a short ester test (test-only cycle)... introducing a hardening agent (proviron for e.g.) and/or anti-estrogenic compound (Nolva/Letro) would be a better choice... due to the ease of clearance

    Depends on what you expect from the cycle also

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Thanks for your reply.

    The show is not drug tested. The goal would be to keep as much muscle mass as possible, get full, hard and big.

    Does it sound like a good option?. Also the last 4-6 weeks I would add anavar at 30 to 40 mg daily.

    Suggestions will be welcome.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    NP bro

    'K that puts a different perspective on it.

    For a show...depending on the level of caloric restriction i'd keep my test high..500mg-1000mg range to aide in retaining a much muscle as possible

    I'd use EQ and tren as opposed to tren and winstrol tho... this is just personal preference by the way. The combo would be effective at keeping my strength up... and my lifts heavy. Winnie just doesn't give that kick IMO.

    I haven't used anavar personally but i've heard good reveiw on it...from the strength/-promoting point-of-veiw.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Anavar is a great combo with tren, I usually always put it in my cycle. IF i were you Id run 100-150mg of Prop ed, tren 75-100mged, Primo 400week, and winny 50mg ed. My .02, you'll be strong and lean, especailly if ur restrict calroies, with cardio.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Muddog50
    Anavar is a great combo with tren, I usually always put it in my cycle. IF i were you Id run 100-150mg of Prop ed, tren 75-100mged, Primo 400week, and winny 50mg ed. My .02, you'll be strong and lean, especailly if ur restrict calroies, with cardio.

    Thank guys for your replies.

    Now, I have one more question. How should the cycle be structured?

    week 1-10: 750 mg test
    week: 1-10: 400 mg of primo

    Now, when should I add in the tren and the winny? last 6 weeks, last 8 weeks? Both together?
    And finally would anavar be ok to just add in the last 6 weeks at 30 mgs a day?

    Thanks a bunch in advance.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You need to have the test out of your system prior to the show or you are going to be holding water.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Rickson
    You need to have the test out of your system prior to the show or you are going to be holding water.

    from my own experience if you use prop with letro and 3 days before the show start with some aldactone youll be more then fine.

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