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Thread: tren n deca???:S

  1. #1

    tren n deca???:S

    ppl are telling me not to do deca n tren together..but i have tren and i paid for it and i wanna use it now.sooo any suggestions?

    1-13 sus 250 e3d
    1-11 deca 200 e3d
    1-8 tren 50mg ed
    11-16 winny 50mg ed
    PCT day after last winny

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Use it. I have for years and never had any problems at all. Neither have any of my friends. Also your deca levels are pretty low. I would bump it to 400mg. Also your sust usage is too long. Cut it at week 10 if running a 13 week cycle or you wont be off cycle until week 17. Everything else looks good

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    So. Cal
    People are telling you not to run tren and deca because they tend to shut your HPTA down hard.....I'm taking both right now with my Test E. As long as your test injections are higher you decrease the problems associated with Tren/Deca; however, our bodies are all different -- what works for me may not work for you and vice vs. Also, make sure you have a very good pct lined up as you'll need it after being on Tren, deca, and Winny.

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