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Thread: hunger problems

  1. #1

    hunger problems

    The first 3 weeks into my cycle I coudnt stop eating (gains were great), now it seems that I have to force food down my throat, it takes me forever to finish a meal. I still don't feel bloated but how do I get that hunger back? I thought you were supposed to get it all cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    what is your cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Its the same with me, you wont get it back, but suck it up bro - you have to eat in order to grow

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    when i jumpstart with orals it messes with my stomach/hunger. not a whole lot but i can definately notice a difference.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by vestax
    The first 3 weeks into my cycle I coudnt stop eating (gains were great), now it seems that I have to force food down my throat, it takes me forever to finish a meal. I still don't feel bloated but how do I get that hunger back? I thought you were supposed to get it all cycle?
    Try injecting b12......

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    you know when you are supposed to eat, just make yourself eat. Doesn't matter if you are hungry or not.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BodyMechanic
    you know when you are supposed to eat, just make yourself eat. Doesn't matter if you are hungry or not.
    good point, you know what will fit so make it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The DOJO
    Quote Originally Posted by kman
    Try injecting b12......
    You probably heard it a million times but it does help.

    I was looking at the nutrition label of Red Bull and found that its loaded with B-12 and B-6.
    So if they are using it then......
    and if you inject it...well even better.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    usa... and proud
    Quote Originally Posted by phwSSJ
    You probably heard it a million times but it does help.

    I was looking at the nutrition label of Red Bull and found that its loaded with B-12 and B-6.
    So if they are using it then......
    and if you inject it...well even better.

    drink sugar free redbull unless it is pre workout or during a workout... the carbs are maltodextrin and dextrose i'm pretty sure...

    plus i hear caffine increases cortisol release...

  10. #10
    How much B12 should I be injecting to help with my hunger? I used to use it for acne and it cleared up my skin when nothing else could. but that was like 1000mg a day which I think is a lot?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    should of had EQ in your gear as well! It would of taken 5 weeks or so for the hunger to appear from that but it would of been there when you needed it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The DOJO
    Quote Originally Posted by vestax
    How much B12 should I be injecting to help with my hunger? I used to use it for acne and it cleared up my skin when nothing else could. but that was like 1000mg a day which I think is a lot?
    It is a lot,

    You should ask a doc what is healthy and safe.

    I have read on here that some people take 1000mg ed 1000mg eod 500mg eod
    ect ect.
    Its what works for you, but dont take anyones word for it, ask a doc whats safe.

    I personally havent asked I just take 1000mg eod or evry three days.
    It does work though!!!

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