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Thread: epiphyseal are fused

  1. #1

    epiphyseal are fused

    I am going to be doing a 6 month cycle of gh and need some help. If my bone age is consistent of a '20 year old' and my epiphyseals are fused in my hand wrist, and distal radius...( ALL AREAS THAT I HAVE HAD X-RAYED)/ Would it be most likely or unlikely that ALL my epiphyseals are fused OR is the hand and wrist the first to do so?

    Do I require further Xrays and if so where. I have been trying hard to learn this but am really strugling to find the resources that are relevant.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I would ask the DOC when you have the x-rays done. He would be able to know from the x-rays.

  3. #3
    Yeah he seemed a bit amateur in that field.

    Although he assured me that they're all closed...

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