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Thread: For all the young bro's, vets welcome.

  1. #1

    For all the young bro's, vets welcome.

    I'm turning 21 and wanna hook up a DOC that can assist me with my first GH cycle. Just wondering what you guys suggest I say to a DOC so he actually helps me rather than try to shut my well researched cycle down...

    First doc i saw spoke little english - he hooked me up with free epiphyseal study but he looked at me suspiciously. I can't see the family doc cause he is very anti. NEED SOME1 new. any experience?

    Wanna do this the smart way - minimize risks.

    BTW i live in Australia if this makes a diff.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    I would say to get your nanno's checked with your doc and if they were extremely low then i would say you were a candidate for GH therapy. 21 is fairly young to be using GH for the purpose of growth rather than making up for a burnt out pituitary. At 21 your GH production is still at a reasonable level, i would hold off until your atleast in your thirties, i mean AAS will probably meet your frame size needs right now, once you've reached your frames limit then maybe incorporate GH. just my 2 cents

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Going through a doc is going to be EXPENSIVE..... i can get it from a doc but he wants $10/iu..... no way in hell would i pay that price.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    Not sure how the Aussie govt is, but HGH is pretty regulated here. Unless your doc does this as a "regular thing", he will probably just shoot you down. Never hurts to ask I guess though.

  5. #5
    Yeah I thought that much co2boi. They are very, very tight on it. I just need to get the tests done.

    Mallet, I don't want to get big just want the effects of hyperplasia(sp?), lower bf% etc for sport. I do get tested for AAS but I don't for GH, slin, etc. Now anyway. In fact I'd be struggling if I put mich weight on at all. I'm thinking of using slin for recovery and GH for everything else.

    What do you mean by nanno's and how would I ask a DOC for this...'


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Maybe you should look into Igf-1 instead. Seems more reasonable for your goals and age, I think you'll be happier with results.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    A doc won't likely prescribe you HGH if your Nanno's (a measure of igf-1 in the blood stream) is in the normal range. I can think of better fat burners for alot less if your just interested in losing some BF...I find taking GH without any kind of an androgen or anti-catabolic agent lessens the effects often will you be tested, it would be wise if you could add some fast acting AAS like prop, anavar, etc... to enhance the effects of the GH. If you simply can't do this then I would go subQ with the GH in the area's where you need to lose the most fat, and save the slin for PWO and go IM.

    Quote Originally Posted by LL08
    Yeah I thought that much co2boi. They are very, very tight on it. I just need to get the tests done.

    Mallet, I don't want to get big just want the effects of hyperplasia(sp?), lower bf% etc for sport. I do get tested for AAS but I don't for GH, slin, etc. Now anyway. In fact I'd be struggling if I put mich weight on at all. I'm thinking of using slin for recovery and GH for everything else.

    What do you mean by nanno's and how would I ask a DOC for this...'


  8. #8
    Mallet - Cheers on your post. I have a 9 month gap in which I won't be tested for anything - 6 month if i am very unlucky. I could do some oral AAS i'd say with GH oral igf-1 and insulin PWO ? Even T3 is said to have good effects re: aerobic fitness which would be handy for me...

    Does that sound like the best thing to do?

    What blood tests would i request. What is relevant to this cycle?

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