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Thread: 20 lbs in 4 weeks

  1. #1

    20 lbs in 4 weeks

    started my cycle 4 weeks ago at 200 lbs taking 600 mg Venom
    Lab sus and 1/2 of 50 mg Vemon Labs dbol tabs and have gained 20 pounds so far. I'm going off dbol and starting 400 mg Brovel deca next week. Venom Labs is the shit! I'll keep you up to date with my progress.

    "I am the lizard king. I can do anything."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Nice gains so far, espcially for only week four. The sus should just be kicking in. Most of that 20 pounds is just water, but so far so good. Keep us posted bro


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    20 lbs is good bro...most of it being weater tho bro the dbol....why are you taking the deca so late? it takes 4 week just to kick shoudl have started it with the sus woudl have worked alot much deca are you taking... i know it says 200mg /ml but its not ill tell you that...test at liek 140 mg or somewhere around iu woudl up that..if you are taking 400mg then up it atleast to 500... if not 600 mg....

    good luck with the rest of the cycle...dont forget clomid

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