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Thread: BRO'S. Bro'S, bro's.

  1. #1

    BRO'S. Bro'S, bro's.

    Now, please help me fill in the gaps. ( come on its fun )
    Pre cycle bloodwork = done, epiphyseal plates = fussed.

    3iu of GH over 6 months, 5on -2off.
    Armour Thyroid @ 12.5mg, 6 months
    -----8 - 12 weeks into the cycle...
    Anavar @ 30mg a day, for 4 weeks
    Oral IGF-1 Lr3 @ 40-50mg a day -if i can get this into Australia.

    Where would insulin fit into this cycle - this is where i've discovered confusion. I know enough about Slin and have a trusted mate who can look out for me during slin use but my QUESTION is..."If rHGH effects the level of insulin and changes bloody sugar levels shouldn't I use it in a small dose throughout the entire cycle perhaps at 2iu each day I use GH?"

    -this makes most sense to me. I plan on buying one of the ACCU CHEK go blood glucose meters...What do you think.

    Any critique is demanded - I want to keep my weight down. My main aim for this is hyperplasia - and insulin and var for my track running training and recovery.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hi, LL08, I am another Aussie, good to see you on board mate. Be carefull with getting LR3 into Aus as our customs are very strict. Either way, good luck and let me know how you go.

    Run Insulin 4 ON/OFF, and just play around with the doses. Start at a low dose and work your way up till the sides are bareble. There is really no need to take anymore than 10IU though especially if this is your first time. Insulin combined with ther other compounds may have an effect on your BG, so be carefull with the doses. IGF is good through PCT too, so keep that in mind.

    Getting a glucone meter is a good idea. It will let you know where your BG levels are at.


  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    You said you want to keep your weight down. Out of curiosity, I'm just wondering what your stats are?


  4. #4
    Yeah cheers for that, I've read a lot of your posts but didn't know you were an Aussie.

    Stats 155 Pound, 5'8". Low body fat. I wanna lose some fat and gain muscle.

    I do track and field - hence I need high power to weight ratio which I have and I need to increase muscular power and endurance and hyperplasia will be very nice too from GH and IGF-1. Thyroid effects the mitochondria in terms of CP and ATP production which is great for me too. The insulin will aid me in recovery between sessions.

    I love bodybuilding don't get me wrong but for now I have to keep to looking ripped at best but not being huge until i retire from aths in a couple of years. I'm looking forward to bulking in a few years but for now I have to keep out of the gym, i get addicted. I was up 10 kg in 3 months natural last off season.

    Anyway-I just sent you a PM and I'll keep you updated re: Igf-1.

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    Ok, now I understand why you don't want to bulk and stay lean instead. Fair enough. However though, I still have a feeling that you may gain a bit of weight. Hopefully the excess weight wether its muscle or "whatever" will still keep you as fit as you are now.

    Good luck and speak soon bro.


  6. #6
    Yeah, exactly. What could I do to the cycle to make it more suited to what I need then. If I did it specific to track and field not bodybuilding from what I have heard I won't necessarily gain too much weight. What in particular would bump my weight up from that considering I will be doing a LOT of track training 7 days a week plus extra cardio plus 3 x gym..I guess extra muscle would not be too much harm. Cheers again


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