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Thread: GH in kids causes giantism

  1. #1

    GH in kids causes giantism

    I forget exatly where i read this and i was wondering if anyone has heard anything about this, and if its true? if so im gonna get some for my kid and turn him into the next shaq or yao ming

  2. #2
    If you are predisposed to GH can have some freaky effects. Gigantism is one whereby your body keeps growing, ie Andre the Giant. If you are not predisposed with a condition like his Gh therapy at a young age can increase height If there isn't enough of this hormone. Children who don't have enough growth hormone do need to have regular injections of growth hormone to grow normally. But people who have normal pituitary glands won't really benefit from extra growth hormone or if they do it will be a huge investment for maximum 6 inch over a couple of years.

    This is at normal doses but when you give a child abnormal doses a practice which is clearly highly wrong possibly gigantism may still occur because of the excess gh in the body and no way to break it all down. I'd say death would soon follow though as a consequence, but hey its all fun and games when your a dad so do as the romans do - Just do it.

    Good luck to your son, haha


  3. #3
    actually i wouldnt want my kid to become a giant(forgot about the death part), but its good to know that he could grow 6 more inches which would help alot for b ball. thanks for the info bro

  4. #4
    yea my friend had to take growth hormone as a kid to grow normally, hes now 6'6 275 with size 16 shoes. you can also see the gaps in his teeth from his jawbone outgrowing his teeth. he is some sort of monster : )

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by LL08
    If you are predisposed to GH can have some freaky effects. Gigantism is one whereby your body keeps growing, ie Andre the Giant. If you are not predisposed with a condition like his Gh therapy at a young age can increase height If there isn't enough of this hormone. Children who don't have enough growth hormone do need to have regular injections of growth hormone to grow normally. But people who have normal pituitary glands won't really benefit from extra growth hormone or if they do it will be a huge investment for maximum 6 inch over a couple of years.

    This is at normal doses but when you give a child abnormal doses a practice which is clearly highly wrong possibly gigantism may still occur because of the excess gh in the body and no way to break it all down. I'd say death would soon follow though as a consequence, but hey its all fun and games when your a dad so do as the romans do - Just do it.

    Good luck to your son, haha

    gigantism is actually a collection of different conditions, with similar symptoms (abnormal size). sometimes it's caused by abnormal production of GH by your pituitary, sometimes your body doesn't create aromitase, and your growth plates never seal, causing you to grow for an extended period. i think andre had the first, not the second. are you sure he continued to grow? he was pretty enormous pretty young and seemed to stay that way.

    "gigantism may still occur because of the excess gh in the body and no way to break it all down. "

    what exactly does this statemnt mean? GH is a hormone, and has specific effects on your body. large doses with give the usual GH sides, but what does "no way to break it all down mean".

    i'm not advocating masive doses of GH for kids, but it's **** hard to kill yourself with GH. guys 7'6" like andre often run into health problems, and may die relatively young (40s and 50s), but most people would stop dosing long b4 they reached this point.

    they have dosing protocols for children with an excellent and proven safety record, and an extra 6 inches can be a HUGE edge in life (the diffence between a $100,000 scholarship at a top school, and not making it. maybe even a pro career).

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