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Thread: The next big thing...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    The next big thing...

    William Llewyn (author of anabolics 2005) has his own magazine in addition to his column in MD called Body of Science (go to

    In it he interviews Charles Poliquin, a trainer.

    This Poliquin guy raved over injecting L-Carnosine (NOT L-Carnitine) into the muscles you are about to train.

    He claims it helps a LOT.

    what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Injecting amino acids prior training? I have never come across anything like that before.

    Last edited by Gear; 05-14-2005 at 09:10 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Well this guy has professional football players, baseball etc under his wing.

    he claims it provides a 25% advantage.

    I think that is huge.

    For example, he says

    "....He'll get 5 reps, then 4, couple sets of 3. You hit him with injectable LC, and that day he'll get 5 sets of 5 no problem, and probably with more weight..."

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    the gym

  5. #5
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    well if you think about it, whenever you inject IGF, all your doing is injecting a string of amino acids..

    so it seems feesable that injecting a particular type of amino acid would cause a somewhat similar effect

    next thing you know they'll have injectable creatine

  6. #6
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by alwayson
    William Llewyn (author of anabolics 2005) has his own magazine in addition to his column in MD called Body of Science (go to

    In it he interviews Charles Poliquin, a trainer.

    This Poliquin guy raved over injecting L-Carnosine (NOT L-Carnitine) into the muscles you are about to train.

    He claims it helps a LOT.

    what do you guys think?
    i heard that guy was a scammer

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    which one?

    Poliquin or Llewellyn?

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by jgg1221
    i heard that guy was a scammer
    I don't know the full story, but I think there was a lab that made paper AAS, and when their products got tested, results came up negative. Both BOS and W.L were still supporting the lab and never admited the stuff bogus. Like I said, I am unsure of the full story but I know there was a thread on here about it (steroid questions forum), and I can't excatly remember the full story, but it was something like that.

    Last edited by Gear; 03-25-2005 at 09:38 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    but this info comes from poliquin, so it should be good.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Makes me want to make up some injectable vitamin C... Would certainly be cheaper than buying gh.
    Am i the only one who finds it funny CP refers to L-Carnosine and Vitamin C injections as "natural performance-enchancing methods". heh. But if it works...
    Last edited by citric; 03-26-2005 at 11:06 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    interesting....who wants to be the guinnea pig?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxElitexX
    interesting....who wants to be the guinnea pig?
    me of course

    I've heard of more off the wall testing though...

    for instance a bodybuilder injecting a molting hormone that causes certain insects to shed their exoskeleton!

    now who wants to be the lab rat for THAT?

  13. #13
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    me of course

    I've heard of more off the wall testing though...

    for instance a bodybuilder injecting a molting hormone that causes certain insects to shed their exoskeleton!

    now who wants to be the lab rat for THAT?
    MEE MEE!!

    PICK ME!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by alwayson
    William Llewyn (author of anabolics 2005) has his own magazine in addition to his column in MD called Body of Science (go to

    In it he interviews Charles Poliquin, a trainer.

    This Poliquin guy raved over injecting L-Carnosine (NOT L-Carnitine) into the muscles you are about to train.

    He claims it helps a LOT.

    what do you guys think?
    i wonder where you could get something like that

  15. #15
    When I trained for the 2000 Olympics (Shot Put), my coach gave me simular shots every day. It was a mixture of Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL, Creatine, Vitamin C, Spirulin, and magnesium. He ordered the custom blend from a doctor he knew in Argentina. It seemed to work very good, he would inject it at mid day right before I would begin my weight training work out.

  16. #16
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Obe_One_Kanobi
    When I trained for the 2000 Olympics (Shot Put), my coach gave me simular shots every day. It was a mixture of Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL, Creatine, Vitamin C, Spirulin, and magnesium. He ordered the custom blend from a doctor he knew in Argentina. It seemed to work very good, he would inject it at mid day right before I would begin my weight training work out.
    how retainable were the gains?

    did it hurt a lot or was it smooth?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Lovin Alba's butt
    what in the world? It would be cake to make.... so angel when are you going to try it buddy?

  18. #18
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    Mar 2005
    I used to tp know a web site who sells injecting l-carnitine, vitamins, amino acids, etc, for very low prices its a vet web site

  19. #19
    We are on top of it already. We already have it made up and are shipping samples to 13 members on Samples are going out this week and they will keep logs to show the effectiveness. As soon as we can show there is a significant improvement we will be carrying it on the site

    It is hard to find info on why this works but after hours of research I dug up the theory behind it. I will post here what i posted on

    "Poliquin did little to elaborate how this works. Articles on this are very scarce as well. After much research in medical databases I have found some data that looks very promising on explaining how this is capable of such amazing things. It looks as if L-Carnosine works through improving the effiency of electron transport during the Krebs Cycle. Very simplistic analogy would be that L-Carnosine is like having a larger heavier pair of jumper cables that allow for a better connection. "


  20. #20
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    If You Want Just Let Me Know

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Lovin Alba's butt
    Ahh..... so if it makes it more effcient to make ATP, the more ATP you will make... interesting!

    MR what are your doses on it, and what did you suspend it with? PM me if you dont want to post.

  22. #22
    Just incase... i got a few unopen bottles of the stuff the doctor made for me last year that I haven't used and I am reading what the mgs are for each ml.

    Per ML (100 ml vial)
    Acetyl-L-Carnitine 150 mg
    Creatine 150 mg
    Magnesium 40 mg
    Vitamin C (Abscorbic Acid) 100 mg
    Spirulina 100 mg

    When looking at the liquid through a syringe it seems to look light green and it seems to be made in a oil form. It seems to be to thick to be a water base formula. Even though the bottle does say you can take oraly as well.... I never tried drinking it.

    3cc's a day was the way the doctor recomended it. I felt that it would allow my muscles to go the extra mile. Some days when I needed to rack up some heavy lift we would bump it up to 2 shots of 2 1/2 cc's and I was always able to complete my reps. To the point that on max days (which were every 10 weeks) if I went over 50 pounds on my bench, shoulder Push Press, or olympic lifts he wouls make me stop since my maxes were good enough to start out with.

    Bench 595 (2 reps)
    Incline Bench 530 (2 reps)
    Shoulder Push Press 475 (2 reps)
    Power Cleans 465 (2 reps)
    Power Snatches 390 (2 reps)
    Half Squats 820 (2 reps)
    Full Squats 690 (2 reps)
    Front Squats 600 (2 reps)

  23. #23
    It allows the phosphorus to be used more efficently when released.

    300mg/ml Water based


  24. #24
    MR i'm very interested - cheers


  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Lovin Alba's butt
    bumpity bump for one more crazy thing I can shoot myself with

  26. #26
    haha good call mr sparkle - interesting read.

  27. #27
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    I don't know the full story, but I think there was a lab that made paper AAS, and when their products got tested, results came up negative. Both BOS and W.L were still supporting the lab and never admited the stuff bogus. Like I said, I am unsure of the full story but I know there was a thread on here about it (steroid questions forum), and I can't excatly remember the full story, but it was something like that.


    you are thinking of someone else - there is RC who is the daddy of paper products and then his former partner that tried to then undercut him - nothing to do with this guy that I am aware of

  29. #29
    Waiting on the guys over at BB to start their logs


  30. #30
    When can we expect this? Cheers

  31. #31
    any further inf on this? also, anyone know about ATP injections?

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    any further inf on this? also, anyone know about ATP injections?
    QFS here in Canada carried injectable pure ATP for a long time, I never tried it but a buddy of mine whos heavy into long distance running tried it once before QFS was busted and said it made a very noticable difference similar in effectiveness to EPO (which he uses regularly). He does little weight training though so I can't say how much it impacts heavy lifting... one thing to note was all benifits were gone when he stopped using it, 100% loss of the endurance he gained, so it really is a competition type drug for runners anyway. Injection frequency was weird too, QFS gave pretty specific timing instructions. It was pretty cheap though, around 60 cnd bucks a vial if I remember right

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    QFS here in Canada carried injectable pure ATP for a long time, I never tried it but a buddy of mine whos heavy into long distance running tried it once before QFS was busted and said it made a very noticable difference similar in effectiveness to EPO (which he uses regularly). He does little weight training though so I can't say how much it impacts heavy lifting... one thing to note was all benifits were gone when he stopped using it, 100% loss of the endurance he gained, so it really is a competition type drug for runners anyway. Injection frequency was weird too, QFS gave pretty specific timing instructions. It was pretty cheap though, around 60 cnd bucks a vial if I remember right
    is it just for long distance or would it be significant in a short term intensive endurance event like MMA - 17 minutes - 3x5 minute rounds, plus 2 minutes rest. and an hour warm up first

  34. #34
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    Canada, Eh
    Here is the original email he sent back to me when I asked about it over a year ago, its all I know;

    Recipient: QFS
    Subject: RE: Aphedos (Injectable ATP) inquery

    Hey my man, here is the information on the product you requested! I've had nothing but excellent feedback thus far, feel free to forward any additional questions along to myself

    XXX Adephos is an injectable Adenosine Triphosphatre (ATP) at 250mg/ml.

    -Adephos is a coronary and skeletal muscle vasodilator

    -Adephos is used effectively in anticipation of severe cardiac and muscle exertion.

    -Adephos is useful as an aid in the prevention of muscle cramping.

    -Adephos produces improved myocardial cell perfusion

    Administer two injections: one 24 hours before strenuous exercise, and a second injection 4-6 hours prior to anticpated strenuous exercise, by the intramuscular route. The volume of each injection is 1-2cc

    Alternatively Adephos can be administered daily for a general energy boost at a dosage of 0.5cc via IM injection

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Well I found the powder.... so when can we start shooting L-Carnosine?

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