Well my asss is furious ....Long story short, Theres this chick I was trying to pipe, well was trying but i lost intrest when the chick started acting bipolar.Well my buddy the whole time is telling me how she is not all that,shes kind of wierd , and that the only thing that she has going good for her is that she is bisexual ..Well needless to say the chick does a full 360 on me from one day to another .After she was the one that was origanaly inttrested in me , I here from him that she sent him an email saying that I was not her type(that was tuesday).Well it ends up that last night (thursday) are group of friends went out but I decided to go to stay home , today I here from him that he ****ed her....Im like 4 real he like yeah .Well the thing that pissed me off is that I think its messed up that he would mess with her knowingly that I was trying to get with her..I dont want to tell him anything cause the chick is just a hoe , and its not like a liked her like a g/f , but its still messed up , hes like my brother.WAT SHOULD I DO ..TELL HIM . OR JUST FORGET ABOUT IT??????????/