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Thread: Canada Ordering Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Canada Ordering Question

    Hey guys,

    I wanna order Nolva and Clomid for all my researching needs, but is it okay crossing the border to me, still think it is illegal to bring into Canada even though it's for research purposes ?!


  2. #2
    yes it's just slow ..your mail service sucks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Is it okay because you guys go about it well...or is it actually legal for me to accept the stuff if for supposed research?

    They are controlled substances...

  4. #4

    They are controlled substances...

    ****!!! I just placed an order today tho and you just put me to think about it!!! Kepp checking more frecuently, if I don't post then you know what hapend, if I do, then is all good (I really hope so), I keep u post!!

  5. #5
    legal problems

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