Hi guys i am just wondering if anyone can help me with this?
I have just received some hgh off of my supplier and the brand is ansamone.
first of all i would like to know how much to take a day.
How often is it ED/EOD.
i want to get the max out of it i can so am considering taking insulin with it so how often do i take the insulin and whare to inject it.
I have done many cycles before so am quite upto date with various types of gear. The present cycle i am on is 4ml/DECA 2ml/TEST 400 per week and i am happy with my gains i am just about to add some test enthanate to my cycle before i add the growth to it.
Do i need to take insulin for max gains.
my stats are 5'11 tall,180 lb and about 20%bodyfat.
THANKS for any info and keep up the good work. thank you.