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Thread: hgh ansamone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    hgh ansamone

    Hi guys i am just wondering if anyone can help me with this?
    I have just received some hgh off of my supplier and the brand is ansamone.
    first of all i would like to know how much to take a day.
    How often is it ED/EOD.
    i want to get the max out of it i can so am considering taking insulin with it so how often do i take the insulin and whare to inject it.
    I have done many cycles before so am quite upto date with various types of gear. The present cycle i am on is 4ml/DECA 2ml/TEST 400 per week and i am happy with my gains i am just about to add some test enthanate to my cycle before i add the growth to it.
    Do i need to take insulin for max gains.
    my stats are 5'11 tall,180 lb and about 20%bodyfat.
    THANKS for any info and keep up the good work. thank you.

  2. #2
    Listen if you dont know anything about insulin and it seems that you dont leave it ,you could die from insulin its nothing to play around with so read all the info on gh you can find and leave the slin for another time. But to answer some of your questions it would be best to take gh ed but some take 5days on 2 off so it will last longer and 4iu´s is a good dose you can begin with 2iu and see how you react to it and then 3iu and then 4iu

  3. #3
    currently running 4iu 5 on 2 off of anasome. so far so good. started at 2 iu eod for 1 week then 2iu ed 5on 2off for 1 week then uo to the full 4iu for 5 on 2 off. have tatally avoided any sides doing this, only one got slight pain in right wrist. anasome imo is spot on

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    you should def rwead more before you start takin things as seriues as slin/hgh

  5. #5
    Good that you found this board there is some great research to search up on. Another question for you is how old you are? Good luck and happy searching.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    i am 30 and been training about 10 years

  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    MICKOR, HGH/insulin is something you should be eduacted about before use. It's not the kind of drugs you just take and hope for the best. Diet, injection timing and doses are very important when it comes to HGH and insulin. It's not like AAS, it's a lot more sensetive in terms of effectiveness, especially insulin.

    Your probably thinking that we are no help at all, but as a matter of fact, the advice we have given you so far will lead you to success. So, do a bit of research and learn about what you want to take. Don't ever take anything without knowing what it is, what it does, side effects etc.

    You have come to a great site that is full of usefull info, so do take advantage of that, we don't mind.

    Welcome to AR and enjoy your stay.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    thanks for the help guys i think i will leave it alone until i know more thanks again

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