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Thread: Please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Please help

    Sorry if I reposted this. My computer froze solid and I can't see if it went through.

    Hey all. I posted this question last week and got some great feedback but most people said they needed to know my dosgae before they could help me.
    Here's my stats:
    33 yrs, 6'3, 196 lbs, been working out nearly 10 years. I want to put on around 25 pounds or so.

    I got the following from an HRT clinic:
    1 10 ml vial of DECA at 300 mg/ml and 1 10 ml vial of Test Cyp at 200 mg/ml. I am told to take 1-2 ml of DECA a week and 2 ml of Test per week. He also said I should take the test every 3-4 days instead of once a week. He said this is a 10 week cycle roughly.

    Does this sound decent to everyone. The HRT clinic has really been less than helpful on medical advice.

    Should I continue taking other supps such as creatine, glutamine, etc?

    Will this stack make me hungrier because I have a hard time eating a lot but I know I'll need to. What sort of caloric intake should I be looking at and is it ok to use protein/weight gain powder for some calories?

    What time of day is best to inject, or does it matter.

    Sorry if I'm asking questions that have already been answered, buty I am still going through the days and days of info on this site.

    I will take my first injection tomorrow.

    Thank you all a million.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    it doesn't look like u even have enuff gear....
    u need to run the test at least 100mg higher than the deca.
    shoot the test every 3.5 days.( mon morning-thur night)
    also run the test at least a week longer than the deca.

    here's what my cycle looks like. i came up with this after much much homework
    week 1-12 400mg deca
    week 1-13 500mg test e
    then as a cherry on top i added...
    week 1-4 30mg dbol ed (kickstart)

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