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Thread: cycle critique please.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    houston, tx

    cycle critique please.

    I have on hand:
    1)lots of jintropin
    2)test e
    6)IGF-1 (on the way)

    My cycle plan looks like this (PCT already planned-not mentioned):
    500mg test e/wk, 450mg deca/wk, 4iu's jintropin (5/2), MR's IGF-1 (planning 40 mcg/day; let me know if i should adjust this). Should I fit the t3 in there as well or is this enough $hit? Any advice at all would be appreciated.

    Thanx guys,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    25mcg t3 ed for as long as you take the hgh.

    for how long youre gonna run the hgh and the aas?

    give some stats please and experience.


  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Great Christmas present. Hope all goes well.

    Last edited by Gear; 05-02-2005 at 04:23 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Knowing how long you're going to run the HGH would help


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    houston, tx
    Im going to run the HGH for at least six months. I have enough for a year but I might decide to get rid of $ome. I have 4 bottles of test e 250 (QV)and 3 bottles of deca 300 (QV). Ive been on HGH for 2.5 wks and the test e for a week. I wanted to let the test get into my system about 3 weeks ahead of the deca. I just ordered some IGF (MR). I havent figured up exactly how long the AS will last me, I just know I have enough for a decent cycle- plus you never get 10 ml's out of each bottle (especially mexican $hit) so I try not to plan to the week-just end up dissappointed. I've never tried T3. I actually got it for my wife and she decided she didnt want to take it, so wondering if I should use it.

    So should I be taking the T3 with all this stuff?
    If so, should I do the ramp up and gradual decline like mentioned in the research I have done? Or just take 25mcg a day til it runs out?

    Also, I have researched and researched trying to find out how to inject the IGF. I know you have to do it Intramuscular. I read bi-laterally, but I havent the slightest clue what bi-lateral means. I dont know exactly how to shoot it and with what needle. Do I use the same pins that I'm using for the GH (insulin needles)?
    If so, how would that needle be long enough to go Intramuscular? I know I have asked a lot of questions, but I have tried researching extensively on this site and all I come up with is a lot of speculations and contradictions. Any advice I can get from anyone with a lot of experience under their belt would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanx bros,
    Last edited by j.r.w.; 05-01-2005 at 08:50 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    for igf-1 use 29 or 30 gauge insulin needles and inject IM
    If I'm not mistaken, bi-laterally means to split your dosage up
    between two muscle groups. ie( 30mcgs in right bicep, 30mcgs in the other)
    Hope this helps

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