I am a past slin user but Ive been away for about 6 months, now I start using slin again, but everytime I use slin I look skinny specially on my face, and after my workout slin shot I loose all the pump.
After my workout I take 10iu of humalog with 100g of glucose + 20g of creatine + 20g of glutamine + 20g of Bcaas + 30g of whey aminos + 1animal pack.
One hour and half later I drink a shake made of 6whites eggs, 50g whey protein + 500ml skim milk + 1 banana + 100g of Oatmeal in powder and 1yogurte.
2 hours later I have a normal meal.
Now matter what my diet is, but when I am using insuline I loose all my pump, why is that.