what is the difference between the two and what works better?
what is the difference between the two and what works better?
have u read the thread on them yet? humalog is fast actin while humalin is not as fast. from the thread humalog is better but humalin r is good. i tried hualog b4 but had no idea what i was doin but got some humalin r now n ready to roll
http://forums.steroid.com/showthread.php?t=169222 READ THIS VERY HELPFUL
HumulinR is longer acting, Humalog is faster and shorter acting. Humalog is the perferred insulin for bodybuilders, altho HumR is used just as frequently because of its availability, its OTC most everywhere.
I use humalog, a lot better IMHO, b/c it is fast acting and therefore will help replenish muscles with glycogen stores a lot quicker than humalin when dextrose is consumed with it.
humalog if you can get it. But know what your doing cause slin can kill
Definately go for the humalog if you can get it. Its 'in and out' faster. Meaning the onset of effects will be quicker and its half-life is shorter......a smaller window of going hypo.
Humalog's onset time is 15 minutes, and its active life time is about 4hrs. Humalin-R's onset time is 30 minutes and its active life time is about 6 - 8hrs. So obviously Humalog would be less of a hassle to use because you only have to watch your fat consumption for 4hrs,and not 6 - 8hrs like Humalin R. Humalog also starts to work faster than Humalin R which is a good thing. In terms of effectiveness, they are about the same. The only differnce in the two is onset and active life time times.
Last edited by Gear; 06-02-2005 at 11:13 PM.
This actually helped me out a lot too!!! Thanks guys
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