I'm looking into GH and want to price it, but have no sources... could someone help me with a ball park price range?
I'm looking into GH and want to price it, but have no sources... could someone help me with a ball park price range?
Last edited by bvanderwerff; 06-04-2005 at 01:04 PM.
don't ask for source's bro edit your post before a mod see's it and has to do it for you
I'll be the first of many to tell you that you cant ask for a source on here. Once you have made enough posts check you Private messages. Im sending you some info.
Guess I wasnt the first to tell you.
there's the ones that 'beat around the bush', then some are just more direct. :aaok****t
sorry guys, I wasn't really asking for sources, but price rangesOriginally Posted by j.r.w.
I've edited it accordingly
bumped due to lack of info!!!
Expect to pay $2-3 per iu for if you order from overseas (read: china)... if you get it domestically it will probably cost more.
Ballpark, about US$1300 for 6 months @ 4iu 5/2.
thanks steve!
The price depends on the gh you plan on getting.
Nicky B.. You recommended dosage is 2 a day for five days? Confused here?
I had heard that 4 iu's 2 x daily (one first thing in the AM b4 eating and one b4 Bed time ). Frequency: Four days on and three off , for six months.
i hope you dont mean 4ius 2x, meaning you are going to take 8 ius per day..do not take that much! whoever said 4 2x ed. meant 2ius per dose=4ius ed. i never took mine twice a day. just 1 shot for me as soon as i think of it in the am. several different opinions on this.but i am sure no one will ever tell you to take more than 5ius per dayOriginally Posted by INSTRUCTOR
That was my bad, I meant 2 iu's per day x 4 days. Thanks for the clarification. God if I took that much my head would be huge ! Any Idea what a woman's dosage per day would be? My GF is thinking of starting. She is in excellent shape she has tried every diet in the book and has a tough time losing body fat.
i read an article, i wish i could remember where, but a study showed that great fat loss was accomplished with as little as 1iu ed. women were included in that study.maybe someone else here has seen it and can give you better details.Originally Posted by INSTRUCTOR
I noticed that someone was recommending 1.o - 1.5 iu's somewhere else. Was that 1 i u. per day? Would you know?
yes i would agree with that. the only problem is that she must be very patient,it could take 2 months for her to see the benefitsOriginally Posted by INSTRUCTOR
Thanks. I know that it wil take a leat that long based on all the other info I have compiled... She (women in gen) are looking to get lean yesterday and therefore she is impatient.
lol...agreed mine is the same but in all fairness i guess i am just as (or even more) impatient about puttn on muscleOriginally Posted by INSTRUCTOR
Ditto on that!
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