i just remember reading an article about this ( i think it was in the houston chronicle but please correct me if i'm wrong) it all went down after a few cops were caught.
in a nutshell it said that, in many cities a large number of street cops juice.. basically, it helps them have an advantage, over the criminals they encounter, while on patrol... even went on to say IT'S ALMOST LIKE AN UNWRITTEN CODE IN MANY DEPARTMENTS.. ( you wanna patrol you gotta get bigger for your safety)
to any cops out there i'm not trying to bitch or cop bash.. but if cops use steroids then they should change proffesions.. it would be better than living a lie to everyone around you exept your cop buddies. it is also a sign of horrible character to be able to turn around and ruin the life of your fellow man for something your doing as well. JMO
just give up the power trip and be a paramedic or join the FD.