Goin into week 5 on my cycle. I put on 18 lbs since start. My bench increased by 40 +lbs. all other routines a little less. Just got off dbol and my strength seems to be at a stand still. Weight still goin up though.
my cycle
T400-1cc. wk1-10
deca 200-1cc wk 1-10
dbol 30 mg. -wk 1-4
Not a heavy cycle. I was goin to up the doses from week 5-10 but with the gains I made so far, I think Ill stay with this. Its fine for me.
Next cycle
Test cyp.250-2cc wk1-10
deca or eq 300-2cc wk 1-10
dbol 35 mg. wk 1-4
Any info on my next cycle. for more mass gains.