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Thread: fealling all weird on clen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    fealling all weird on clen

    hi, this is my second clen cycle and im at my 4th day, yester day at day 3 my heart felt weird a big pain, also ive noticed enormus shakings, couldnt sleep etc. no of these symtoms or sides ´haunted me last time, what to do???
    stopp taking clen or?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Titletown, Florida
    insomnia and shaking are normal side effects of the clen especially at the beginning. If you are experiencing chest pain i would suggest to get off. If not then see if the sides get better with time, they did for me. dont up the dose till they subside a little.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    East Coast
    Did you ramp up 20,40.60,80 ect. , or did you start at a high dose ? You should be taking taurine and potassium with clen also . ive been takin clen for a week now and im up to 100 mcg/day with no bad sides , ill probably end up going to 160-180mcg/day .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    sure did 20, 40 , 60 , 80 etc. i whent upp to 200mcg last time and i felt almost nothing, iim also taking taurin and shit load of vitamins, insomia and shaks dosnt really disturb me, but the chest pain does.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    UK, Lancashire
    Quote Originally Posted by bigger
    sure did 20, 40 , 60 , 80 etc. i whent upp to 200mcg last time and i felt almost nothing, iim also taking taurin and shit load of vitamins, insomia and shaks dosnt really disturb me, but the chest pain does.
    200mcg is a very high dose. Slowly increase the dose, pref every 3 days. Just because your not feeling it doesnt mean its not working bro.

  6. #6
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MatrixGuy
    200mcg is a very high dose. Slowly increase the dose, pref every 3 days. Just because your not feeling it doesnt mean its not working bro.
    asolutly right, ease into it and give it time

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    oh, i ment my first time, now is my dosege only 60mcg (4th day)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    If you have chest pains, I think you need to stop the clen and see a doc. Probably nothing, but you can't take that chance.

    For tremors, sweats, etc, just back the dose off a bit.

    I never go over 140mcg. That is a nice max dose for me.

    Your clen might be over dosed or your first batch could have been under dosed. If it was liquid, your clen might have settled. Always shake that stuff, even if it is in a proper solution. I don't trust a medicine dropper... I always use a syringe. Well, for liquid, anyway LOL

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Southern Cali
    I noticed when I used clen for the first time, I experienced similar sides to you, including the chest pain, which was coincidentally on day 3 as well. It ended up lasting for only about 4 hours, and then it never happened again. It did make me a bit weary though and I considered dropping the clen. If it is lasting, you should stop the clen and talk to a doc, your heart is nothing you want to mess around with.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Clen is super stuff, i love it but it doesnt half give me the sides in the way of cramping up, even after a week or so. The other effects (anti-catabolic and slight anabolic and fat burning) are worth the sides though. As for the chest pains though, i agree with eveyone else here, dont risk it man. Get to a doc and see what the score is. I still love it though.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by bigger
    oh, i ment my first time, now is my dosege only 60mcg (4th day)
    If you ran 200mcg before and had no problems, have a doctor check you out. At the very least, stop the clen and see if that stops the pain. Good luck, bro!

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