I cant remember which you can add during your cycle but thought I would ask if I even should add one.
So here goes.
Im on week 6 of 12, going to add d-bol for last 4 weeks ( for a couple special occasions )
My cycle is .75cc Test 250 w/ .50cc deca 300 on fri & mon. Its like 375 test & 300 deca a week.
I know its kinda light, Ill be running 500 mg test w/ 450mg deca next cycle
I will be taking 25mg a day of dbol for 28 days
So anywho, when I add the dbols should I start taking anything ? I have Clomid and Nolva on hand but no L-Dex if I need that, Ill have L-dex by the time I get the dbols most likely though.
Btw I know some may say " Save em for next cycle" But these are extras, I got enough drols to run 75mg a day for 100 days (not that I ever would) and enough dbols to run 50mg a day for 50 days (again not that I ever would) not including what I plan to run this cycle.