I've been inthe game for about 10 years but new to the boards. You guys appear pretty damn knowledgeable, and I got a ?. Right now I'm about 6'2, 180 and 8-9%. I've been as high as 240 and 14-15%, but don't want to have the high of % again. My test levels have always been realitvely low, per my doc, hereditary. We've tried the andro patch, and it's ok, but nothing great. I want to put on some nice clean mass. I'm not sure if it's my diet holding me back or my excessive cardio (not excessive per se, just 30 mins, low intensity, 1st thing before I eat.) I've run a few "college" cycles years ago when I was ignorant and didn't know jack. My ? is, would it benefit me to runa very mild 200-250mg/test/week with maybe some eq just to get me jump started again? Providing my diet is in check and my training. Then a pct, time on=time off, then maybe a tighter cycle of dbol and test and winny. Thanks for the help, sorry for the long read.