you know whats sucks.. dieting sucks.. When I eat 7 meals a day low in fat, high in protein, med carbs and i still cant put on serious size yet i have friends who eat everything in sight and gain like animals. I have one buddy and i'll post his pic.. he has just put on an easy 20lbs lean mass.. i asked him WTf he eats. he says everything and anything. fast food, fried food, no shakes, drinks all the time, and he is still getting leaner while bulking. also, no cardio.. It just makes me think sometimes this dieting thing is a waste of time.. anyway, here are a few pics of my buddy.. he is even bigger now.. this is a few weeks ago.
also, the 2nd pic his face looks bad. its a bad pic he doesnt look bloated like that. below are a few more buddies.. white, black, asian. it doesnt matter they all eat whatever they want.. i dont get it??