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Thread: Do you need liquidex on low dose cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Question Do you need liquidex on low dose cycle?

    On a low dose cycle of 200mg EQ and 250mg Test Enan every 5 to 6 days, would you need liquidex to control estrogen. Or would the estrogen that is produced "reach a point where it is adding in the promotion of an anabolic state", as William Llewellyn says in Anabolic 2002?

    Willam has a 250mg EQ and 250mg Test Enan cycle in the book. By upping it alittle will that make a difference as far as estrogen goes?

    This will be my frist cycle so I'm on research mission right now.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    It really depends on the person and the effect estrogen linked sides have on them. I personally wouldn't use it with those doses but some people would need to. Better safe than sorry-it wouldn't hurt to use.

  3. #3
    just have the liquidex on hand and if you start to get the unwanted effects when the test has had time to aromatize,start the can bring the estrogen levels down in a couple of days and adjust your dose as needed....
    but like kull said, it wouldn't hurt to use it...then adjust as needed....

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