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Thread: Im Giving A Speech Wed On The Truth About Steroids, Any Help Is Wanted!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Im Giving A Speech Wed On The Truth About Steroids, Any Help Is Wanted!!

    Hey guys for my communication class on wed im giving a speech on the other side of roids not shown by the media, ex.. zero scientific studies which link steroids to death, but if anyone can provide me with any information or statisitcs about proper steroid use i would appreciate it...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    do a search there are tons of threds on this subject, aso check out google

  3. #3
    Ive always wanted to do this stuff...but everyone would immediately be like I KNEW IT!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Ive always wanted to do this stuff...but everyone would immediately be like I KNEW IT!
    My thoughts exactly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Ya ive done searches but all of it jus shows up like the bad stuff, like what are some myths that anybody knows???

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I mean you are like late have to read alot bro to get a good idea ............

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    BAD idea the teacher wont take you seriosly man i made a speech about alcohol once and the teach failed my speech. most college professors dont really want ya talkin about drugs an alcohol in their class or at least in my experience. just an FYI but if youve talked to the teach than go on w/it but its still a controversial subject.

  8. #8
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    nor cal
    tell the teacher if he doesn't give you an "A" that you will go roid rage on his ass. that should work quite nicely, then procede to explain the good side of roids.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2005
    With all the information. You have to use some bullshit in there. Something that sells. and then you gotta use some specific numbers like... The human body produces 3.ksjdsj blah of test naturally.... with steroid therapy that number is increased to 9999.ssjdh blah therfore i love breasts.

    get it?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    NOT A GOOD IDEA AT ALL. I wouldnt give a speech like that under any circumstance. Your really just advertising that you use the drugs and if you dont think people talk your wrong. Word gets out fast, that teacher may be freinds with some police officers and other teachers who will get a preconcieved notion about you. Dont do it, I'm telling you man. Another thing they'll think is that you're just giving a bullshit speech on your hobby rather than something you truly took the time to learn about(we both know you've spent plenty of time learning about anabolics, but they dont) I wouldnt chance it, not for the cost of classes these days

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    NOT A GOOD IDEA AT ALL. I wouldnt give a speech like that under any circumstance. Your really just advertising that you use the drugs and if you dont think people talk your wrong. Word gets out fast, that teacher may be freinds with some police officers and other teachers who will get a preconcieved notion about you. Dont do it, I'm telling you man. Another thing they'll think is that you're just giving a bullshit speech on your hobby rather than something you truly took the time to learn about(we both know you've spent plenty of time learning about anabolics, but they dont) I wouldnt chance it, not for the cost of classes these days
    exactly my thoughts. Talking about them just tells everyone you are a user. I like to keep my use relatively quiet even tho I get asked all the time "Do you take steroids" like the rest of you prolly have many times.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    hmmm ya, LOL and people do think i do them, so maybe not a good thing.I do know a lot of about steroids and stuff, and figured this would be my easiest thing to talk about!!! Im just gonna bullshit it i guess!! O well, im only staying here for a year and trasnfering somewhere else cuz football sucks!!!!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by KingJames23
    hmmm ya, LOL and people do think i do them, so maybe not a good thing.I do know a lot of about steroids and stuff, and figured this would be my easiest thing to talk about!!! Im just gonna bullshit it i guess!! O well, im only staying here for a year and trasnfering somewhere else cuz football sucks!!!!!!
    You should still try your best...that way you will have more choices as to where you transfer to. Colleges like good looking transcripts. I still suggest another topic. I assume it is an informative speech. How about drunk driving...I dont know.

  14. #14
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    Anyone with a name of less prestige than bill llewelyn, rick collins, anthony roberts...shouldnt go here. Just my .02

  15. #15
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    You can find studies that support your point of view -- Dr. Bhasin has done a bunch. Dr. Yaesalis also (despite his objections to the use of AS for non-medical purposes) has also said some interesting things on our side.

    I've got some PDF files if you want 'em...just PM me your email addy.

    Also, i'd suggest downloading that HBO "Real Sports" episode done by Armen Kateyan on the truth behind steroids.

    Seriously though, i wouldn't put yourself out in the open like that -- everyone will forever associate you with it, and will say that the only reason you're in shape is because of drugs. Too much BS to deal with to change a few minds (if you're able to).

    But if you want some of the research, like I said, PM me. I've got one file that could basically make your argument for you.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Im actually workin on a paper right now..... Almost done....

    I had one for german class... now i have this one for english....

    two papers in two days... gah lol.. Almost done though! I jus thope i do well enough on this crap

    because this paper is VERY IMPORTANT

  17. #17
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    it's all you KingJames -- you got PMs and Email

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    901 N 2nd St Philadelphia
    Quote Originally Posted by KingJames23
    Im Giving A Speech Wed On The Truth About Steroids, Any Help Is Wanted!! ...
    tell them they work!

    j/k. don't encourage them. Scare the shit out of them by leaning towards the bad side effects of using like.

    double dd cups
    small nuts
    limp biscuit
    roid rage
    poor relationships
    stretch marks
    flabby skin when you quit working out or get older
    high blood pressure
    potential for stroke or heart attack with abuse and poor diet
    thoughts of suicide
    extreme highs
    extreme lows
    never being satisfied
    always wanting more
    and so on....

    and other things like
    Addiction - What is addicting? the drug or the results?
    What age groups use more?
    what sex uses more?

  19. #19
    damn man ur actually gonna do it....tell us how it goes and ill tell u how bad i fail my history test tmr

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Well where to start. GH administration enhances protein synthesis in elderly men and women. It should also be of note that GH is not a “sex” hormone per say, as it has no masculine or feminine specific traits. GH plus Testosterone enhanced this effect even further in men. Greater protein synthesis means more muscle mass and strength, which will in turn translate into a greater quality of life and greater mobility. (Pubmed study 1). While the fat loss effects are negligible or at least unreported by this particular study, they can be found elsewhere. In one magazine (fitnessrx), there is an article about the benefits of self-stimulating growth hormone levels and how to do this. However, the pertinent thing to this discussion is the matter of a study conducted in 1990 when Dr. Daniel Rudman at the medical college of Wisconsin published a study that demonstrated a 14.4 percent reduction in the body fat of men over 60 years old. 14.4 Percent! That’s huge. Let us delve into a mathematical digression for a moment. Say a person is 5 feet and 11 inches tall, weighs about 185 pounds, and is male. His current body fat percentage is 17 percent, which is pretty much the norm (as are all of the descriptions) for a male of around thirty. That means he has 31.45 pounds of body fat. Now this is not considered obese by any means, but let’s says we reduce that body fat by 14.4 percent. That’s a 4.5 pound decrease in fat mass alone. Doesn’t sound significant yet, however there is more to this. This was without exercise in sedentary men, which means non active, even in the normal sense of the term. Combined with exercise this could produce astounding results. Even without it, the average person over 60 has experienced a drastic loss in muscle mass and a significant increase in bodily fat stores, so this reduction could be very meaningful. Taking someone from 17 percent body fat to less than 15 percent body fat would significantly decrease the risk of heart attack and many other conditions associated with advanced age.

    We also now have proof that testosterone levels are positively correlated with insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistance is another way of saying Type 2 diabetes, the distinction only involving the severity of the resistance. Some of the type 2 diabetics are insulin dependent, some are not, but either can benefit from the supplementation of testosterone. Testosterone levels are normally low in men who have diabetes, visceral obesity (that’s belly fat), metabolic syndrome (commonly associated with diabetes) as well as coronary artery disease. These conditions are therefore either partially the cause, or partially the result of low testosterone levels. Both way, increasing testosterone levels to within normal parameters would seem to make sense for correcting these conditions, and short term studies confirm this. (pubmed2).

    This little tidbit of information that is coming up next is actually one of my personal favorites. It is a commonly held misconception that steroid use in humans will result in coronary disease, heart failure, hypertension and a host of other side effects which are just as ridiculous, uncommon, and completely avoidable as these. Actually, a lot of these effects are related to catabolic (muscle wasting) steroids, which are strictly used in a clinical setting and offer no athletic performance enhancement. That seems like a rather strange thing for an athlete to consume, and actually….they don’t! Nobody in their right mind who is not forced to actually uses these things and the irresponsibility of the news media astounds me. By the way I got that information from Website 3, and I use it to illustrate the false reality the media and government have presented us with in this one. That’s like saying some M&M’s have a fruity flavor because Skittles are also candy. However, in direct defiance of this website, I, of course have provided a clinical study with which to refute it. Well, I found the study anyway. In this particular study, we see that androgens are strongly tied to vasodilatation (the opening of blood vessels). So how can steroids cause hypertension which is an increase in blood pressure, yet open up the blood vessels at the same time. Quite simply they can’t. This would require some sort of absurdly ridiculous increase in total blood volume in the body, which just isn’t happening. The true culprit in these cases is increased water retention due to increased estrogen levels in the body. The male body makes estrogens from testosterone in the liver, so naturally an increase in testosterone can then lead to an increase in estrogen levels. This however is entirely preventable through the use of anti estrogens (such as those used for breast cancer treatment). Also, in normal testosterone replacement doses, this increased estrogen production is of no concern anyway. In addition to vasodilatation, in this study we find that replication of the normal physiological doses of testosterone actually improved functional capacity in men who had incurred moderate to severe heart failure. Functional capacity in this case can only mean the ability of the heart to carry out its duties, which are mainly to pump the blood throughout the body. Irrefutable clinical evidence should always trump a lie, however it seems the proverbial wool has been pulled over our eyes.

  21. #21
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  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2003
    damn, hell ya guys, thanks for the info.. Is there a better board on the net than this one??? There jus cant be!

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    biggity bump...i wanna know how the speech went brotha.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by KingJames23
    damn, hell ya guys, thanks for the info.. Is there a better board on the net than this one??? There jus cant be!
    tell us how it went!!! Oh and i failed my history test like hell

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    giving speeches in college suck!!!!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    Good luck with this bro. I gave a speech about bodybuilding in my public speaking class, which eventually led into heated argument on steroids. Just so you know, you may make a couple of enemys....I know I did. Oh well, I got a B on the speech.

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