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Thread: clen and anti depressents

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    clen and anti depressents

    Long ago i posted some threads about troubles i was having with my girlfriend. We were fighting all the time and she was blaming everything on gear. I quit. However, now she comes to me saying "is there anything i can take to lose weight?" How much bs is that? Its not ok for me but when it is going to benefit her she is all ready. She said if i found something for her then i could do it again. ANyhow. To my point. She was recently diagnosed with bi polar disorder. This disorder is very controlable with medication. She started it 2 weeks ago and has for the most part been a different person. Now she wants to do clen or something like that. Could this interfere with her meds or such a disorder. I know clen made me shake and i got some twitches. Is this just a very bad idea for her?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    i take clen and ECA on anti-depressants

    i have never really had a problem - i love the buzz off ephedrine and i dont get a come down or feel depressed afterwards

    clen i didnt have a problem with either other than the shakes - which made my deadlifts look hilarious

    i am not sure how they interact though - whether its worse for your heart, liver etc - i dont know so you need to find that out to be safe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    On Strike!
    what is she on for bipolar, and does she have BPI or BP2?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i'll have to check. It is new to me. I'm not sure wether it is 1 or 2. I'll check with her tonight. Thanks for the replys. It is very important. We have been struggling alot and since diagnosed we have made so many gains. I know it is something that is really hard on the people with the disorder but let me tell you it is hard on the spouse, boybriend whatever as well. I just don't want to take steps backwards. In my opinion she wants some sort of quick fix weight loss program. I think diet and training needs to be cleaned up first. Maybe clen will encourage her to do that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anyone else

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    if she has bipolar than that is a bit different to my situation
    the heightened anxiety/stress that these stimulants can cause may be a problem

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    not sure any of this is relevant anymore. Today will tell. We got in a huge fight last night. I left and stayed at our hunting cabin for the night. She is seriously ill but i don't think i can be there for her anymore. Anyone here know anyone with bipolar disorder?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    On Strike!
    i have bi polar, and sometimes im very hard to deal with but if you love her then it can be done.. pm me.. ill get back to you with info tonight, after work.

  9. #9
    Yeah I had a similar situation. My girlfriend had bi polar and it was so hard for me to deal with just watching her destroy herself. She was a loose cannon one day she would be all good with me and love me to death then the next for no reason she would go nuts and tell me she hates me and wishes that I would die. Then a few weeks later she would apologize. Where not together no more cos i couldnt deal with it but we still speak every now and then. I laughed when i read wat u wrote cos she called me not long ago asking me if i had any sort of weight loss drugs but im not giving her any because she also used to do alot of cocaine and speed plus shes on prosac. I figured why give her more drugs for. If I were you I wouldnt do it. Just let your girlfriend be the last thing she needs is clen is her system. Good luck with everything!

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