what would be better for my first cycle Test E, Sustanon or something better than those 2??
i was going 2 stack it with dbol25mg 4 weeks and deca300mg 10weeks and then the Test for 12weeks
plus nolva10-20mg for 15weeks and clomid for pct
what would be better for my first cycle Test E, Sustanon or something better than those 2??
i was going 2 stack it with dbol25mg 4 weeks and deca300mg 10weeks and then the Test for 12weeks
plus nolva10-20mg for 15weeks and clomid for pct
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
No Deca/Dbol IMO, just E@500mg/wk for 12 weeks. When you get closer post your PCT plan for some advise.
so shortie you think E is the way 2 go. LOL thanks
Shortie, I agree that dbol doesn't need to be added on a first cycle along with test E. However, I've noticed that a lot of your posts recommend to newbs to take ONLY test on a first cycle. Why is that? I'm just curious to know. I've read a lot which mostly supports your recommendations but I've also read a few that say test E and Eq or Deca is also good for a 1st timer.Originally Posted by nrichman05
so Test E and Deca good first cycle what about mg and weeks???
No. A first cycle shouldn't have deca; just testosterone.Originally Posted by nrichman05
Use testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate, 300-500mg/week for 10-12 weeks for a first cycle.
AIZ, my biggest reason for this is the progressive nature of steroid use. We almost always do more compounds than we did last time at higher doses than last time. Perfect example is a user who starts at 500 mg Test/wk and by his 3rd cycle is approaching a gram a week. So while I don't think that Deca is evil or anything(I love the stuff)it plays into the "lottle principle" that most AAS users have. So if your first cycle is 500 mgs T and 400 mgs Deca and Dbol at 35 mgs, what is your second 750,600,and 50 mg? Oh and since we have tried all that stuff let's just add in some tren to this one. Whereas if you start with a single compound cycle you will have lots of room to go up in the future, add doses, add compounds. And since I believe Test to be the basis for every good cycle it stands to reason that any cycle with only one compound is a test only cycle. Besides, most users will get great gains from a test only cycle with only a very small percentage reporting any sides.Originally Posted by AIZ
I will also say that at 32 I have finally come to the realization that my doses in the past have been too high, and I am actually subtracting a compound from my next cycle and lowering my doses. I will not rely on gear to make me grow, I will rely on the synergy of my diet and work ethic, the gear will only help my body absorb the nutrients I take in in a more efficient fashion.
shortie - that is a GREAT posting
Thanks Muck, occasionally I come out of my stupor and something intelligent flys from my mouth-not too often though, thank god. LOL
Agree fully. Also, a first cycle should be test because if you start throwing in a bunch of compounds, none of which your body is used to, and start to have a bad response to the cycle, how would you know which compound is causing the ill affects? You wouldnt.Originally Posted by shortie
test E, or test C will be great for first timer...
Yes, yes yessssssssss... Finally some people who make sense. My perosnal rec is primo first, then primo and an oral, then eq and an oral, then another eq and an oral, then test, then test and deca or eq, and increase the test and eq when needed. If you start with the weaker drugs at lower dosages you won't fry your receptors as badly as you would from 1 gram of test a week your first cycle. I hate when I see kids saying there first cycle is 1gram of susta a week. That's just plain retarted. Then gains won't even be good, they'll be worse.
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